If you are setting up lots of subscriptions, you may find it easier to work in Standard View, rather than Theatre View.
In Standard View under the Television section (in the left navigation pane), you can highlight "All Programs" then enter a search term in the Search Box at the top right of the screen. For example, I just put "Mega" in the search box, and the program list is filtered to only those programs that have "Mega" in the name, such as "Megafactories" and "Power Range Super Megaforce".
Using that search function makes it easy to fin programs, and then Subscribe to them as Yaobing described above. It also gives you access to the detailed recording rules, rather than just using the default rules set up in Options>Television.
As you will want to explore the rules, and learn how to make best use of the functionality, using Standard View makes sense, at least initially.
There have been lots of changes around the recording rules recently, and lots of discussion about them, so search around, but only discussion from the last few months would be relevant.