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Author Topic: Update problem  (Read 2741 times)


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Update problem
« on: March 11, 2016, 12:39:59 am »

I'm a big fan of JRiver, but when my PC restarted, it automatically updated to the newest release of v21. I didn't know it at the time, but this also uninstalled the WDM driver. I have my PC hooked up directly to very powerful power amps, then to my Klipsch 5.1 speakers.

With the WDM driver unknowingly uninstalled, Windows defaulted to my speakers as audio output at 100%. First noise I heard was starting up Steam Big Picture which is very bass heavy. Noise blared then cut out; I thought I blew my amps and/or speakers. I reinstalled WDM and my speakers/amps still function, but unsure what damage it may have caused and why the sound cut out.

In future updates, especially if they are forced on me, can you please not uninstall the WDM driver, or at least warn me if you do? Thanks.  

RD James

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Re: Update almost destroyed my speakers
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 02:28:50 am »

I agree that the WDM driver should only be updated when there are actual changes, instead of every version.
The main annoyances for me are that it resets to 16/44 when I want it to use 24/48, and it causes some applications to crash when the active device disappears. (it's fine with switching devices, but crashes when the active device is removed)
I would suggest that if you have a computer hooked up to a power amp, you disable every WDM sound device on your system except JRiver's driver to prevent this from happening.
Then have JRiver pass the audio to the device's ASIO driver instead.
That way it can't select another device if something goes wrong, you just don't get audio at all.


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Re: Update almost destroyed my speakers
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 02:47:16 am »

Windows likes to change audio devices when updating an audio driver, its not something we can influence, unfortunately.
Updates are not forced on you, you can disable automatic updates if you don't want them to happen.

For the underlying issue - if a 100% output can damage your speakers, then your system is in constant danger either way. Personally I would (and have) make sure that no signal from the PC could ever cause damage, say by adding attenuators in the analog chain, instead of "hoping" that the PC will always behave.

Disabling the audio devices that output to the amp would be the least one could do, although personally I wouldn't want that to be my only safeguard.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Update almost destroyed my speakers
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2016, 03:10:18 am »

I agree that the WDM driver should only be updated when there are actual changes, instead of every version.
The main annoyances for me are that it resets to 16/44 when I want it to use 24/48, and it causes some applications to crash when the active device disappears. (it's fine with switching devices, but crashes when the active device is removed)
I would suggest that if you have a computer hooked up to a power amp, you disable every WDM sound device on your system except JRiver's driver to prevent this from happening.
Then have JRiver pass the audio to the device's ASIO driver instead.
That way it can't select another device if something goes wrong, you just don't get audio at all.

If I disable my "speakers" device, can JRiver still output to them?


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Re: Update almost destroyed my speakers
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2016, 03:12:35 am »

Windows likes to change audio devices when updating an audio driver, its not something we can influence, unfortunately.
Updates are not forced on you, you can disable automatic updates if you don't want them to happen.

For the underlying issue - if a 100% output can damage your speakers, then your system is in constant danger either way. Personally I would (and have) make sure that no signal from the PC could ever cause damage, say by adding attenuators in the analog chain, instead of "hoping" that the PC will always behave.

Disabling the audio devices that output to the amp would be the least one could do, although personally I wouldn't want that to be my only safeguard.

I have safeguards and attenuators. 100% doesn't go above the speaker dynamic rating and probably only comes close to RMS. I probably overreacted, but 150W x 5 channels plus 1000W on the sub is a loud noise and it cut out after a second which freaked me out.


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Re: Update almost destroyed my speakers
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 03:22:25 am »

If I disable my "speakers" device, can JRiver still output to them?

If you use ASIO, then thats generally not affected by the windows audio devices.
If you use WASAPI or DirectSound etc, it would require those to be active, unfortunately.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters

RD James

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Re: Update problem
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2016, 04:02:53 am »

Updates are not forced on you, you can disable automatic updates if you don't want them to happen.
I want JRiver updates, I just don't want it to reinstall the driver for no reason.
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