i'm working on something right now. it's not perfect, or likely to be
i don't have points, so i've been experimenting with album DR which is similar in that it can be sorted. my album DR smartlist is (cleverly) title Album DR, replace that with your overall [points]
so...make a new smartlist (let's call it chart sequence),the code will look like this, but your playlist id will be different (the points id) as well as your sort field of course. when you are making the smartlist, use the rules dropdown menus to choose your [overall points] smartlist to get the right playlistid, then go into import/export and type the rest of the code (replacing average DR with your [points] field)
[Media Type]=[Audio] playlistid==294821897 ~nodup=[album] ~sort=[Average DR]-d
this gives me a list, sorted from highest to lowest (points), and only lists one track from each album (important!)
now make a new library field (let's call it chart #), as an integer value, user edited ,and relational (one value per album)
now in your new chart sequence playlist, select all the files, and tag files. in the tag window select the new [chart #] tag. type in =counter() and wait for a while. now, the field will be populated with numbers from 1 to however many albums you have...the number 1 will be assigned to the highest points album. each album will auto-receive the value since you've made it relational
so, now you have a number assigned to the points values. if you made another smartlist, let's say [decade]=90's, you could sort on the new field and find the top albums from that decade etc
the only magic i haven't figured out, is how to use the playlist id and sequence number...if we could access this, we wouldn't need to manually sequence anything. however, it's still pretty simple to do, because when you change some ratings, just go to this sorting smartlist, select all files, and type counter() into the tag field....so it will re-number all your tracks pretty quickly
hope this makes sense