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Author Topic: Only the 1st song of the album copies into MC21  (Read 1685 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Only the 1st song of the album copies into MC21
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:01:28 pm »

I have one particular FLAC album that will only copy the 1st song. The others are missing. Even if I try to copy those others individually they still don't appear. What could be wrong? I can play them in MC21 by right clicking on the file and choosing "Play In Media Center". I don't see anything different between this and other files that I've had no problems with.

I would like to convert the files to ALAC so I can play them using an iPOD. If I can't copy the files into JRiver to begin with, is there still a way to convert them?

Maybe I just need to go back to using MC20 on this computer too (Windows 10). I already had to do that on my other computer (Windows Vista).... although the power supply later failed on that computer.


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Re: Only the 1st song of the album copies into MC21
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 12:08:44 pm »

I'll bet it's one of two things:

1.  The files really are imported into MC.  You just don't see them where you are looking.  This would happen for some compilation albums, or for albums with incomplete tags, like no [Album] tag on some of the files.  Go to Audio > Files and drill down into the directory where the files are.  You might see that they are imported, just with incomplete metadata.

2.  You've already imported this album at one time, but then you deleted (most of) it.  Now MC is ignoring the files because the option to ignore deleted files is turned on.  You can try turning it off:

Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Configure auto import > Tasks > ignore files previously removed from library > (uncheck)

Good luck!



  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 74
Re: Only the 1st song of the album copies into MC21
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 12:25:20 pm »

You're correct about them having no album tag but I cannot change the tag until the files are put into MC21.

update: The files had already been imported but the wrong picture was associated with them, so that threw me off. Although the correct picture is in the file it wouldn't use it unless I chose the cover art option and add from file. So now the picture is correct and I was able to convert the album to ALAC.
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