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Author Topic: Classical Box Set Tagging  (Read 3067 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Classical Box Set Tagging
« on: April 08, 2016, 10:25:13 pm »

I wasn't sure how to title this, so let me explain: I have been ripping a new classical box set called "The History of Classical Music", which has five parts, each part of which consists of 20 cd's broken out by composer. When I rip these JRiver wants to display each album separately, because each cd has a different name. So now I've got 100 covers in my album view. If I change each of the different parts' album name to "History Of Classical Music Pt.1", etc., I can cut down on the amount of covers, but then I also lose the ability to see which composer is on any given part. Is there any way to tag these so that I can cut down the amount of covers in my Album view, but still retain the unique tags found in the album name field?


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Re: Classical Box Set Tagging
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2016, 12:47:16 am »

You can use Disc # (a tag) to separate discs with the same album and album artist name.   There is also a Composer tag.


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Re: Classical Box Set Tagging
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2016, 10:46:53 am »

You might consider making a new view specifically for this collection of music.  You could do categories by volume and then by composer and finally by album.

Or you could try some variation on the advice I gave here on a similar question:

Personally, I would want to retain the actual album name for each album and then use extra tags to further classify this collection:  I'd probably use [Series] for the overall collection, and perhaps a combination of [Composer] and maybe [Episode] depending on how exactly the discs are laid out.

If you want more help, give us a few examples of how the discs are broken up and someone can probably give you more specifics.  Good luck!



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Re: Classical Box Set Tagging
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 01:01:56 pm »

yep check the link that Brian posted.

Generally speaking classical is a bit daunting to tag. Normally you should be making custom views, where composer is the key field.

But it really depends on how much classical music you have. If you want to make your life easier double up the composer tag with the album artist tag. Combining or not the album name I think you have grasped the concept. Sounds like a compilation album. I like to split "complete" sets when all they contain complete albums.  But with huge compilations like you have I just keep it in one ... if you decide to use composer based views, instead of Various Artist, you can use something like Various Composers by the way. Depedning on the view type you cna then set the view to Album Artist with the next category or pane using the Composer field. You'd get what I think your looking for like that too.

Many ways to do this as Brian pointed out the video field series for instance which also works  ... but regardless I'd keep as much tag data as you can  (soloists, orchestra and conductor) and with that you can change your mind later once you know JRiver better or your classical part of the collection is big enough to warrant special treatment. It very easy to move tag data from one field to another.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Classical Box Set Tagging
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2016, 01:41:56 pm »

Retagging using the "Series" field worked a treat.  Now it shows the series as a stacked group, which is perfectly acceptable. Thanks for the help!
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