Was that the meet at Bottlehead? If so that was me that had the MC 20 - Cubase - Virtual Cables - Virtual Repeaters - Sonarworks - Waves NX setup. It is a bit complicated but I have it working at 88 KHz 24 bits throughout and that consumes 45 to 50% of a core i7 on a Toshiba custom laptop. Turning off the head tracking drops the overall CPU consumption to 20%. It would be FAR more convenient if JRiver could support Waves Nx directly without all the extra effort. Waves Nx is the first crossfeed that actually works well in my opinion. A major step forward for headphone listeners, though the product is targeting music production with headphone mixing.
It was the meet at Bottlehead and your setup I was listening to. I'm Hammy, a.k.a. Ham Sandwich, or Frobozz (Zork reference).

I experimented a bit last night and got Waves NX working in Media Center!

Using the
DDMF Metaplugin to host Waves NX. And it's all working in JRiver Media Center. Woot! Even the head tracking is working.
That Metaplugin is awesome. Makes this work easily and really simplifies the configuration.
The DDMF Metaplugin is $49 and has easy licensing that lets you install on more than one computer at a time.
Waves NX is $99 and has a PITA licensing configuration install process.
I'm just running the demo versions of Metaplugin and Waves NX to make sure this all works. I'll be buying this. It's worth the $150.
Waves NX is a really good crossfeed. It sounds natural and spacious and without weirdness that other crossfeeds can cause.