Okay. Cool. Would it be possible to sort the contents of these smartlists by the date they were added to the smartlist (not the library), with the most recent additions being at the top?
I made two, the other one for one-disc albums, with some modifications to the string:
One-disc: [Media Type]=[Audio] [Disc #]=<=1 -[Rating (ten stars)]=[] ~sort=[Album Artist (auto)],[Album],[Disc #],[Track #]
Multi-disc: [Media Type]=[Audio] [Disc #]=>=2 -[Rating (ten stars)]=[] ~a ~sort=[Album Artist (auto)],[Album],[Disc #],[Track #]
Alternatively (and I doubt this), could I automate, via the smartlists, a conversion with the following parameters?
MP3 VBR (Extreme)
Convert to this folder: C:\Users\71bla\OneDrive\Music\ and create levels of folder structure (3 for the one-disc smartlist, 4 for the multi-disc smartlist)
Leave original file; do not add destination file to library