Build 1.0.9 of Engen added scenes and groups. Here's how I was able to set them up groups.
There is a learn mode and an exit learn mode. These commands are:
You must set the lights you want to include the way you want them, start learn, assign them to a name, then exit learn.
Here are the steps:
1. Turn on only the lights you want included and set the level you like.
2. Start Learn. In a terminal window type:
learn3. In the terminal window type: group_set("NameofGroup",0)
4. Turn the lights you want included off (should work in terminal, browser, or manually).
5. Wait 15 seconds.
6. Turn the lights back on.
7. Save the group. In the terminal window type:
saveThe group should be saved.
To test the group from a browser on the machine where Engen is running, type this command:
http://localhost:52110/alpha000/group?name=NameofGroup&value=99That should turn the set of lights on. This should turn them off: