This is the latest version of Engen for Windows. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted.
1.0.11 (6/21/2016)
1. Fixed: The last build was not signed properly.
2. NEW: send_cmd now does multicasting.
3. NEW: zgroup.general_increment smoothly increments/decrements bulb brightness. Uses multicasting w/o ACK.
4. Fixed: Fixed a startup hang in that occurs when you have no database on first startup.
5. Fixed: Fixed things so an unexpected exception during startup will terminate rather than hang the server.
6. Changed: Eliminated the no longer used --test parameter to
7. Fixed: Fixed node name addressing so "switch.A" now properly accesses the first endpoint on "switch".
8. NEW: Added which will support REST variable addressing. Partially tested at this point.