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Author Topic: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here  (Read 49199 times)


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Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:25:05 am »

This is the latest version of MC21.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


21.0.90 (6/17/2016)

1. Changed: When running as a screensaver, moving the mouse will stop playback.
2. Fixed: ALAC 32-bit files would not play.
3. Fixed: Closing mini view while the player was inactive and transparent would leave the regular view transparent until you clicked on it.
4. Fixed: Closing the visualization studio with a pending save would lead to a crash.
5. Changed: Made Theater View respond to the MCWS/v1/Files/Current function.
6. Changes: Internal calls to external programs (browser, file manager, encoders, etc) to deal with filesystem specific character quoting. Look for regressions.
7. Fixed: Resampling could clip signals with peaks above 100% (even though Internal Volume would reduce it later).

21.0.89 (6/13/2016)

1. Fixed: EPG updating scheduled to occur at a late hour of the day could be skipped entirely if some conditions (such as recording activities or program hanging/crashing) prevented the update from happening at the scheduled time.
2. NEW: Added MCWS/v1/Library/Fields to get a list of the fields in the library.
3. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
4. Fixed: Media Center could freeze when changing the subtitle selection in Red October Standard.

21.0.88 (6/9/2016)

1. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks bytestar!).
2. Fixed: During live TV playback running "Restart Player" context menu command would lead to loss of video (black screen).
3. Fixed: Playing WTV files with AC3 audio would result in too fast playback and broken audio.

21.0.87 (6/3/2016)

1. Fixed: The chapter returned by MCWS/v1/Playback/Info would always be zero.
2. Fixed: Marked the "Replace slashes in expressions" control for translation.
3. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks bytestar!).
4. Fixed: In-place edit of a checkbox type field wasn't working well in lists.
5. Changed: Made a small change on how low disk space condition is handled for TV recordings.
6. Changed: Added a few more TV recording events to be logged in the TV Logs (recording stopped due to low disk space condition, recording stopped due to MC being shutdown, etc.).
7. Changed: A cancel button is shown while loading DLNA libraries.

21.0.86 (5/31/2016)

1. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
2. Changed (internal): Stream lined some code in television engine.  Changed the way DirectShow graph is started.
3. Changed: Default TV video format is specified in 16:9 aspect ratio instead of 4:3 so that 16:9 channels will not go through a two-stage video positioning process.
4. Fixed: Audio in video files could cut out shortly before the end of the file, instead of playing to the end.
5. Fixed: Made TIF files get imported and played as TIF even if they have the JPEG extension.
6. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks Andreas!).
7. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
8. Changed: Media Center downloads _all_ data files on library server, but shows a progress dialog while it works so that you can cancel if you don't want that.
9. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks bytestar!).

21.0.85 (5/25/2016)

1. Changed: Reverted this feature until some issues get sorted: Clicking the header of a full row list item parent (the album name by artist) will select all the files in the grouping.
2. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).

21.0.84 (5/25/2016)

1. NEW: North American television channels (ATSC) now carry the transport stream ID and audio and video PIDs.  One can now specify which audio stream to be played by default by editing the audio PID on the channel.
2. Changed: (Internal change only) DVB television channel parameters are slightly rearranged internally.  No effect should be noticed by users.  Please report any unusual behaviors though.
3. Fixed: Theater View could get stuck in a lost device state instead of recovering the device after the screensaver engages.
4. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks Andreas!).
5. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
6. Changed: Updated French translation (thanks p.v.).
7. Changed: Switched the limit to download a data file at playback time to 5 MB from 1 MB.
8. Changed: Clicking the header of a full row list item parent (the album name by artist) will select all the files in the grouping.
9. Changed: The "TV Logs" for standard television view can be sorted by clicking column headers.
10. Changed: The "TV Logs" view is displayed in reverse chronological order by default, with the latest entries on top.
11. Changed: Added more events (no tuners found for recording, lower priority recording stopped to allow higher priority recording to start, etc.) that are logged in "TV Logs".
12. Changed: The "Show name" column in "TV Logs" will include Series name if it exists.
13. Fixed: A portable install would fail doing tag updates if the file was on the same drive as the install.
14. Changed: Red October updated to LAV Filters 0.68.1 (minor fixes and improvements only).
15. Changed: Red October HQ updated to madVR 0.90.20.

21.0.83 (5/17/2016)

1. Fixed: Inconsistencies in the Program info area when "TV Logs" or "Show status" was selected from the filter box on standard television view.
2. NEW: A "Favorite Channels" filter on standard television view.  Selecting this from the filter box causes only the programs on your favorite channels to be displayed.
3. Fixed: Mouse wheel in a combobox would highlight an unselectable nothing entry at the tail of the list.
4. Fixed: Mouse wheel in the toolbar to customize dialog would lead to a crash.
5. Changed: Updated German translation (thanks bytestar!).
6. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
7. Fixed: Enabling the "Adaptive Volume" DSP in the "Convert Format" settings could inadvertently affect the results of Audio Analysis.

21.0.82 (5/13/2016)

1. NEW: Television gets its own logging in addition to regular log files.  Important TV related (mostly TV recording) messages are logged in the TV logs.  The logs can be displayed in Standard Television view (just select "TV Logs" in the filter box).
2. Fixed: With popup transparency off and the skin inverted, the tooltips wouldn't draw quite right.
3. NEW: One can access "Show status" on standard television view without having to go into TV Options > Advanced.  It can be selected in the Filter box.
4. Changed: Small changes in standard television view - the filter box is moved up a notch, and the filter and channels boxes are slightly wider.
5. Changed: Added a line of explanation in case the TV tuner list is empty when "Show status" is done without any tuner having been used yet.
6. Fixed: The minimum size of the tree wouldn't update properly when switching the scale of the program until you restarted.
7. Fixed: If image playback didn't jump to fullscreen, it wouldn't activate the MC process when playing an image.

21.0.81 (5/11/2016)

1. Fixed: The Media Editor could get stuck in a loop running itself over and over if the previous shutdown resulted in a hang.
2. Fixed: Opening a second file in Media Editor while it was still loading a first file would cause strange results.
3. Fixed: Theater View background loading wasn't looking at the sidecar paths properly.
4. NEW: An option to load default library at start up.

21.0.80 (5/9/2016)

1. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
2. Changed: More resilient Theater View 3D rendering on Intel and AMD graphics cards.
3. Changed: Reverted the pane sorting logic changes that were recently made.

21.0.79 (5/6/2016)

1. Fixed: Sorting expression based panes could crash.

21.0.78 (5/6/2016)

1. Fixed: A little better fix for the 32-bit extensible WAV file issue.
2. NEW: Preliminary support for Sat>IP television devices.  Work in progress, totally untested.
3. Changed: MCWS responses use a more standard Content-Type header to improve compatibility with some web service clients.
4. Fixed: Sorting wouldn't work right in an expression based pane if the expression to display was empty.
5. NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Support extra long filenames (experimental) as a way to remove the bounds checking from the path at import time.

21.0.77 (5/4/2016)

1. Fixed: The sorting on an expression based pane would be wacky.
2. Changed: Updated Japanese translation (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
3. Fixed: Inverting the tooltip wouldn't work properly when the popup transparency was disabled.
4. Fixed: The player window could draw a little funny when mouse wheeling to change the volume and then the display switching back.
5. Fixed: When there was no free tuner, switching television channel while watching might end up with "no tuner available" error if the channel being switched to did not prefer the current tuner.
6. Changed: Podcasts only add the comment to the tooltip if it's different than the description (which gets added earlier).
7. Changed: When clicking the Recently Imported toolbar button when there is no Recently Imported playlist will show a message box instead of just doing nothing.
8. Changed: Then made the Recently Imported toolbar button gray out when there's no Recently Imported playlist.
9. Fixed: When setting up "Record by Time" in Theater view, edited Program Name was not reflected on the "Program Name: *****" button.
10. Changed: For television recording setup dialogs in Theater view, eliminated some "Cancel" buttons and renamed some "Cancel" buttons to "Skip (abandon current change)" or "Skip (abandon current changes)" or "Skip (abandon changes to settings)". 
11. Fixed: Mouse wheeling a list edit field would instead mouse wheel the list behind and stop the editing.
12. Fixed: 32-bit extensible WAV files wouldn't play properly (could cause convolution trouble).

21.0.76 (4/27/2015)

1. Changed: Skin DSP effects are no longer applied to the small images in a list (but still should be applied to checkboxes, etc.).
2. Changed: Updated Czech translation (thanks Jan Boháč!).
3. NEW: Double-click on the media server tray icon will show Media Center.
4. Fixed: The 'Export to iTunes & iPhone' dialog didn't scale nicely on high DPI.

21.0.75 (4/19/2016)

1. Changed: The sidecar cover art for music in Theater View should be [Album].jpg or [Artist].jpg instead of [Name].jpg.
2. Fixed: 32-bit integer WAV files wouldn't play properly.

21.0.74 (4/19/2016)

1. Changed: The applied DSP effect like inversion, etc. will get applied to the checkmark and other small icons drawn in the lists.
2. Changed: Theater View television recording setup dialogs are changed from wizard (step by step) style to single dialog style.
3. Changed: The TVInfo(WatchedDisplay) expression will show a watched percentage based on the bookmark in more cases.
4. Changed: Updated the Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
5. Changed: Updated French translation (thanks p.v.).
6. Fixed: Overwriting a file with the selection in Media Editor wouldn't work reliably.
7. Changed: Slightly improved the color accuracy of Blu-ray subtitles.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

RD James

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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2016, 07:57:08 am »

7. Fixed: Resampling could clip signals with peaks above 100% (even though Internal Volume would reduce it later).
This seems to have fixed the problem, thanks.
However testing it made me more aware of another issue that I've been seeing for a while now:

When using external VST plugins - and only some of them seem to cause this - the first second or so of a video sometimes plays without any internal volume applied, which can be very loud since I'm at -24dB.
This happens 100% of the time for the first file played after launching JRiver, and intermittently after that.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 09:29:00 am »

When using external VST plugins - and only some of them seem to cause this - the first second or so of a video sometimes plays without any internal volume applied, which can be very loud since I'm at -24dB.
This happens 100% of the time for the first file played after launching JRiver, and intermittently after that.

I couldn't reproduce this with any of the VST effects I have.

Could you share one of them doing that with matt at jriver dot com?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

RD James

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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 11:37:01 am »

I couldn't reproduce this with any of the VST effects I have.

Could you share one of them doing that with matt at jriver dot com?

The "jb_isone_pro" VST in this free bundle of plugins does it:

You need to have a video that plays audio from the very start, and be using internal volume reduced by some amount (-24dB in my case) to notice it though.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2016, 05:47:54 pm »

Some remarks regading
"Changed: Made Theater View respond to the MCWS/v1/Files/Current function":

- This directly crashes MC when used in the home menu / start page of Theater View.

- Using it below home screen: it does not really work as expected...

Because I want to use this feature to be able to play files in the correct (user defined) zone and to display infos for the selected / displayed files the current behavior is not really helping much.

What I would expect how the function "Current/Files" works in Theater View:

- When only views or subviews are shown in Theater View or when the selected item is a view (and ActiveFileOnly is 1) then the resulting playlist / file list shall be empty.
The function shall not use the currently selected item and enumerate its contained files. This is really slow and takes really too long when the desired action here is to enter the view instead. Returning an empty list for view items seems like a good solution because when no files are actually listed in Theater View then no files shall be returned. This way I also KNOW that when the returned list is empty that the selected item is no playable file! In this case I would "enter" the "folder" instead.

- Only when there are files (from a series, a folder, a specific view) visible in the currently displayed list in Theater View then "Files/Current" shall return all of these files when no other options are specified. When using the flag "ActiveFileOnly=1" then ONLY the file below the "selection box" shall be returned / played (depending on the action) as long as this is really a playable file and nothing else.

- If the item selected by the "selection box" is NO playable file then using "Files/Current" with "ActiveFileOnly=1" in Theater View shall return an empty result.

As the resulting lists are usually pretty short this is fast enough to quickly launch a selected file (in whatever zone) or to get infos about the files currently visible / selected on screen.

Please change the implementation for the new feature in the described manner - that would help a lot :)


Edit to add:
Some explanation on how I intend to use this feature. Currently I navigate in Theater View using an IR remote which is mapped to MCWS commands more or less directly. The Up/Down/Left/Right keys of the IR are used for navigation. When pressing the "Enter" / "OK" key I now want to check "Files/Current" to (a) find out if the currently selected item is a file or a view, (b) when it is a file I will play the file in any zone of my choice and (c) when the selected item is a view then I send the keycode 13 via MCC to MC to enter that view.
Additionally I want to use "Files/Current" in Theater View to construct custom playlists from the currently displayed files using the selection box of Theater View. The new behavior would be very handy to achieve this goal.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2016, 06:10:59 am »

Some remarks regading
"Changed: Made Theater View respond to the MCWS/v1/Files/Current function":

- This directly crashes MC when used in the home menu / start page of Theater View.

Coming next build:
Fixed: MCWS/v1/Files/Current would crash at the root of Theater View.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2016, 06:47:55 am »

Coming next build:
Fixed: MCWS/v1/Files/Current would crash at the root of Theater View.

Fine, thx :) Any feedback regarding my described changes to what "Files/Current" returns (see above)?
I think that currently the function is not very useful.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2016, 08:12:09 am »

Fine, thx :) Any feedback regarding my described changes to what "Files/Current" returns (see above)?

Changing how existing MCWS functions work would likely break other users of such functions. And this is how it works in any other views, it returns all files currently visible/selected, which can be a folder which contains further files.
So, its not likely going to change how it works.

Please only report bugs in the build threads, this is not a place for requests or discussions.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2016, 02:52:51 am »

In Theater View the randomly changing background images of subfolders stored in the respective skin folder are not loaded anymore (e.g. Video->TV Shows or individually created categories). Only the background images of the root folder are loaded.
This function got broken betweeen build .83 (working) and .85 (not working) and still persists. Loading background images from the internet is still working correct.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2016, 04:18:35 am »

Creating relative paths for Playlist Exports is NOT working  ?



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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2016, 06:22:38 am »

Creating relative paths for Playlist Exports is NOT working  ?

Well U: won't resolve in a relative way to L:.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2016, 08:09:31 pm »

Zone unlink doesn't work in JRemote (See Remote thread). It is apparently working in MC 20.
After linking zone in JRemote, we have to use Media Center on the Desktop to unlink zone.
Is the problem in Media Center 21 or in JRemote ?


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2016, 08:55:09 pm »

Unlinking Zone with JRemote.
I did some more investigation with this issue.
Zone Unlink was working well with MC release 21.0.50
When a link was established between two zone, the icone change from "Link" in green to "Unlink" in red and when we want to unlink the zone we just have to press on the "Unlink" icone in JRemote.

In MC release 21.0.51 the following change was introcduced :
1. Changed: Zone links are tied to the zone GUID instead of the zone ID (so linking to a DLNA device should work better).

From MC release 21.0.54 to 21.0.90, Zone unlink doesn't work anymore in JRemote. The link is establish but the icone "Link" remains green and we have to use Media Center on the desktop to unlink.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2016, 09:46:31 pm »

EDIT: This also effects tracking on official remote like Gizmo, and unofficial like EOS using standard protocols - not Open home

I had created a new thread since this is likely a regression from a much earlier version, but I'm going to also include my post here:

So, recently I updated JRiver MC on a netbook I'm using as a media renderer.  I found some unexpected behavior and wanted to report it to see if there was any chance of figuring out what happened/if it can be fixed.  While I know the developers don't like third party standards that aren't agreed on like OpenHome, I use BubbleUPNP Server as an abstractor so to speak as to make an OpenHome renderer that works with BubbleUPNP.  This has never been an issue prior and other media players that support UPNP work fine with it.

I tend to shut-off automatic updates on machines that I'm not regularly using as to prevent issues - yet I encountered an issue with MC and updated.  Lately I played an album I hadn't in a while and on BubbleUPNP the seekbar wasn't available.  This happens on some tracks/albums but not others. I went through and did multiple things like a full PC reset (Windows 10 - no applications/software to be kept), but then I did other troubleshooting and am positive this relates to MediaCenter in some way.

Basic Info:

The renderer is on Win10 X86 - my server/main system is running Win10 X64 - not sure if this might help:

My findings using old installers:

21.0.20 - worked fine on renderer - seekbar displays in Bubble
21.0.30 - Works fine on renderer - seekbar displays in Bubble
*cannot find old executables between these*
21.0.34 - fails on renderer - not tested on x64. - seekbar does not display in Bubble
21.0.39 - fails on renderer - not tested on x64. - seekbar does not display in Bubble
21.0.50 - fails on renderer - not tested on x64. - seekbar does not display in Bubble
21.0.90 - worked fine on x64 machine (seekbar renders), x86 renderer did not display seekbar

Using foobar with UPNP component works fine.

I was wondering if there is access to any of the versions between .30 and .34 for further narrowing of the issue and if this is a true bug regression like I think it is.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.90 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2016, 02:47:43 pm »

I think I encountered a bug or two.
I just added a season of a series to the library and the episodes names were embedded in the file. Season number was filled in via jrmcs autoimport magic.
I filled the episode field for all the files and used "Get Movie & TV Info..." with "Allow Overwrite of existing Values" unchecked.
It got all the Information, but overwrote the preexisting names. After that, I used Ctrl+Z to revert the change, but instead of reverting the "Get Movie & TV Info...", it deleted the manually entered episode numbers.
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