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Author Topic: Development of JRemote  (Read 23038 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2016, 10:57:17 pm »

I think perhaps the history of jremote is slightly relevant here. JRemote was originally not an official app, in fact nothing to do with the jriver company. It was a 3rd party app developed by one person ("lespaul" I forget his real name, apologies). JRiver hired him as an employee and I suppose you could say at that point jriver inherited ownership of jremote. It is then that jremote became the official remote app for jriver's MC software. However it would then be incorrect to say that jremote was developed by jriver. It is from that time when "lespaul" was hired that apparently development on jremote stopped. Not altogether true as there were a couple or more revisions. But not a major release to version 4, it is still version 3 revision 22 or thereabouts.
So in summary jremote only exists because of the skill of one person who now works for jriver - it was not developed by jriver - and perhaps it is no longer his pet project.
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
I am the owner / sole admin for ("fan" site for Cyrus Audio hifi)


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Re: Development of JRemote
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2016, 07:51:28 am »

Not quite.

We hired LesPaul and we purchased the software from him.  He worked for JRiver for about a year and then quit over a misunderstanding (in my opinion).

He has helped a little since then, but we haven't focused much on JRemote.

In my opinion, it's a very good solution with few flaws.  I would rather not touch it at this point until we need to.

If you have a problem (not a feature request), please post clear enough details that we can reproduce it.  I can't promise that we will make a change, but we will at least consider it.

I'm closing this thread now.

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