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Author Topic: Pono music player alphabetized by artists name in E drive and album in G drive  (Read 11668 times)


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Trying to figure out how to organize my music better because i double synced all my music and have duplicates


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You can use the Rename, Move, and Copy files tool to reorganize your music on disk in very flexible ways.  RM&C is a big powerful too that can do a lot of things.  It might seem kind of intimidating at first due to it's various modes of operation.  I promise you it's not that hard to use once you get the hang of it.  Here's the wiki entry on it:,_Move,_and_Copy_Files

Of course that wiki entry itself is a LOT of information.  So here's something concrete for you to look at.  It's an example of how to use RM&C to organize by Artist, Album, and Disc #:

If you need more help, just ask and we'll try to guide you.



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OK  I quickly read over the rename move and copy stuff...
I will have to read it better soon but I can guarantee you I wont be trying to figure all that out...
I don't have a big problem just I have a lot of duplicates of songs that I mistakenly put on my pono handheld.
When I first got it I assumed it was like Itunes.... NOT and clicked sync when I had already synced it. Not sure if I am the only one or if many people made that mistake...
I called and believe was explained why and understand and agree I don't want the software to decide what is a duplicate or not because there could be different versions of songs, etc.
The thing is I have to compare what is in my E drive and my G drive and I am thinking that it would be good if I could see both libraries together and in alphabetical order the same way  by either artist name or album name.
I am not sure I want to mess with it at all because although I believe I am getting a good backup automatically of my computer and all my music each night, I am not sure yet and I dont wanna take any chance of losing all my albums I already ripped into my music library and what I bought in hi rez
I read about this subject some more and know there is a good reason that this is not so user friendly and so I am not complaining but I am a bit frustrated with the process.
Overall though, it is easy for me if I don't like a particular album or song I can easily delete it just like if I want to add a new album   so I am leaving it be! Thanks Brian if you have any easy advice for me after reading this let me know


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It sounds like maybe I didn't understand the problem.  I thought you wanted to rename files on disk.  I think you just want to change how PMW shows them sorted on screen.

I'm getting a bit confused because you're asking for several different things at once.  Let's start with the sorting.  Please post a screen shot which shows the sorting behavior you see and we'll see if we can get that part fixed.



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The Pono Player has internal memory and a slot for a MicroSD card. These show up as 2 drives on the PC. It sounds like you synced your music to both drives in which case it will show up twice on the Pono Player. You can easily verify this by shutting down the Pono Player and removing the MicroSD card. If  the music now only shows up once, that confirms that this was the issue.


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Brian I think if I explain it a little better you'll get a better pic without me sending the screen shot.
I was looking for a short cut but without knowing this software way better I am not going to try.

And Randy and Brian That is exactly what I was saying about my E and G drive on my computer. In other words - my E drive is the memory on the internal Player itself and the G drive is what is on the MicroSD card. I actually have Three (3) copies I synced too! so there may be 2 of the same album on the player and 1 on the SD card.  There is no reason to verify this because it is what it is.
If I am looking at the little screen on my handheld player and it is set to albums - it allows enough space to show like 6 albums on the little screen (or you scroll up and down) and there is 3 (three) pictures of whatever album cover art there. Little squares with like 3 squares of the cover art of for ex. Think about what the cover of Led Zep Stairway To Heaven album looks like or Nirvana in the pool.  Hope you can picture that better now.
I use my player a lot and don't even notice the duplicates or triplicates in shuffle mode and if I listen to a whole album, I am not out of space so dups don't hurt anything...the main frustration is when I am on the pono handheld player looking up my albums and choosing what I wanna listen to and that is where I see 3 copies of albums IF I haven't yet deleted them manually album by album or song.  I am being careful not to delete stuff I want on there and I have different versions of music in some cases also.  I may have had a CD i ripped and I also bought a Hi rez version off Pono.
It WOULD be easier to compare what's in my player though and what's in the MicroSD card if they were organized alphabetically by either album or artist but mine is alphabetizing 2 different ways...  I read about that also and it just doesn't seem like there is an easy way to do this because it doesn't organize files like Itunes does and for good reasons I am sure. I don't want Itunes software deciding what is a duplicate! and deleting stuff almost auto off the cloud or some crap.
Another subject though semi related or explains why I am also hesitant here to touch all those settings is...
when I got my player - at first obviously I wasn't aware of how to best way to use the MicroSD card but I put it in and kept it in there ever since (unlike a friend who lost his!) funny and to get to the point here...
and question that would help me if You can understand my question is:
Is it a normal thing (common setting) for all my music that was in ITunes moved right over to my Pono library?
because the thing is I don't know how it did it but it did and I was super happy it did that!  i had probably 500 albums from CD's I ripped in I tunes.  I had hardly any music i downloaded free...
A lot are MP3 quality though .... so not sure if I could have transferred in a way that would of had better sound quality over MP3...but there are some FLAC files  and it sounds ok. Sorry lots of info here. just trying to explain what I know so maybe you can explain more to me.
I am interested in getting the best quality music and love the whole idea of Pono.
I still have my albums and a turntable and think that is sounds better still but the Pono comes close especially with good earphones I got from Shure and good speakers I got from B & O (bang and olufson) but I have not come close to starting to figure out balanced mode. Sorry another subject!
so overall I am fine with dups and dealing with it and deleting when i need to... but if you can please fill me in on the itunes music transferring over pretty automatically for me and wondering if it was that way with others? cause I was even considering starting from scratch and resynching but NOT going to do it.
Not really a big problem here at all. Just wish I could learn more and get the most out of the sound of my player. Thanks for your attention guys Have a Happy 4th and a drink after reading this! LOL


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Ok, definitely a lot of information.  :)

I don't have a Pono and I don't use PMW hardly ever.  I just have it installed in case I need to verify that a feature in PWM is the same as a feature in JRiver Media Center.  I'm very, very familiar with JRiver Media Center.  That's why I answered your question about sorting on disk because I thought this was an issue with the files on your hard disks inside your computer; not the SD and memory in your Pono.

Strangely enough, even though I don't have a Pono, Pono is one of the big reasons that I got back into digital audio.   Reading about it and watching the videos got me really excited about high quality digital audio again and set me off on a journey that I'm still on.  Which is awesome because I'm enjoying music now more than I have in many many years.  :)

I'm going to defer to Magic Randy or other people on the details on how PMW syncs with the SD and memory in a Pono, as I have no experience with it.  Sorry about that.

Best of luck to you.  ...and I hope you are enjoying music as much as I am! 



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PMW syncs the same as full versions of MC.

First, when PMW was installed, unless you interrupt the process, it scans your PC for music files and imports them. This is the same as with the full version of MC. This is how the iTunes files got imported into PMW.

To sync music to the Pono Player, you can use the PMW handheld sync capability. Again this is the same as with the full version of MC. On the Pono Player there are 2 drives, one is not removable. It is the 64gb internal memory. The second is a removable MicroSD. Each of these drives needs to be synced individually. PMW, nor the full version of MC, will manage these 2 drives as one. In other words, it does not fill up one drive and then sync more to the second.

There are sync options including what you want to sync. One of the methods to determine what to sync is to use playlists/smartlists. I have a separate playlist/smartlist for each of my cards. That's how I manage the storage of each of the cards.

To set the sync options, you have to have the Pono Player connected and select the drive you want to work with. You can then select the options and get it set up the way you want.

Attached is an image of the options I use.



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Ok Brian Thanks! Yeah I am not familiar with JRiver Media Center except or because of buying my Pono music player which I got during the startup period they had. So i got mine for 300.00 instead of 400.00.
was well worth it to me for so many reasons even though I don't know how the software works very well, or for that matter how to organize my files and drives on my computer but I am learning. Brian How are you enjoying music more without a Pono music player? Do you have a different brand or are you listening to vinyl now?? just wondering but yeah that's great. Me too  after CD's came out I stopped enjoying music and am so glad I kept all my albums.

Randy, thanks also...
I was going to say what is MC?  But I figured it out ... I also think I know what you mean about PMW being synced in the same way that the full versions are synced.  The software Pono uses is very much like the full versions but this is special and free software that comes with the player... right?

Thanks about clarifying how my Itunes music moved over. I am glad that it scanned and imported my music so easily and user friendly. And now in case I ever need to do that again, I won't worry.

I admit and I also know I am not the only user of Pono music players that wasn't sure if their music they had on CD's or downloaded and purchased from I tunes or even other music ... from wherever would so transfer at all! and it was a happy day when it did!  I still wanted to try it and bought one in the kickstarter program Neil Young started.

And thanks about noting about "interrupting the process..." No i would never do that. Got that down and I make sure it is safe before removing any media or hardware. 

My problem is I am not experienced with moving files around and organizing files and folders... Takes practice so slowly I am getting better.

Also, thanks about telling me how the internal drive doesn't fill up first and then sync to the second. That is exactly what I was thinking at first and I kinda finally realised it wasn't that way but to hear it ....
it is all making sense better. If I had known that earlier, I would have possibly just deleted all that was on the SD card at least. But since I did that wrong at first I have added so many albums so that won't work now unless i start from scratch one day.

I see what you mean by playlists and smartlists and I need to learn step by step kinda how to do this if you can send me that? that would be better to organize my music so one SD card has just certain types of music... 
I understand what you mean about selecting the drive no problem now... and I know I must have my player plugged in and turned on of course... but to set sync options... and select the options I want?  not sure what you mean?  are you saying that there is an easy way to make both my drives internal and SD card alphabetize the same way by Album name?  I could not see the image or attachment of the options that you use. Did you send the attachment? Not sure if you did, how do I open it? I don't see it.

Thanks again! both of you!!  Cheri


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Brian How are you enjoying music more without a Pono music player? Do you have a different brand or are you listening to vinyl now?? just wondering but yeah that's great. Me too  after CD's came out I stopped enjoying music and am so glad I kept all my albums.

Sorry for the thread hijack.  This shouldn't be too long.

I was never into vinyl.  I'm too young for that; CDs were always a wonderful format for me.  Lifestyle entertainment changes led me to listen to less and less music for a while.  Then I got an ipod and started converting my CD collection to AAC based digital at 128kpbs.  A rather low resolution that Apple used to recommend (it was the default).  It sounded fine on casual listening.  But it really wasn't.

I found myself only listening to music in my car and then mostly from my ipod.  ...and I wasn't enjoying it at all.  I would put it on shuffle and just hit "next" over and over and over again.  Not really enjoying it all that much, except for the occasional favorite album.  Music had lost it's luster and sparkle and seemed dull and uninteresting.

Listening at my computer via small speakers or headphones was more of the same.  It was fine for short sessions and alcohol helped!  But it wasn't really involving and had no "magic" like I was used to.  For the next 10 years or so, I listened to almost no music and nothing at my computer at all.  I was out of love with music.

Then I got interested again when Pono came out and I started doing research.  I ripped a few albums to lossless FLAC and I liked what I heard.  A lot.  I decided to re-rip some of my CDs.  Then I decided I wanted better headphones.  After getting a new pair, the magic was back.  I was hooked on my "old" music collection.  I upgraded to an external DAC and headphone amplifier and things got even better with higher resolution, less fatigue, and more enjoyment.

As I was ripping my CD collection and listening on headphones, I started really listening a lot.  Since I spend quite a bit of time in front of my computer, this was actually a wonderful way to listen to music.  I didn't have to be "doing nothing" sitting on a couch between two speakers in the exact center to have great sound.  I could browse the web with headphones on and have a (relatively) world class music presentation!  I ended up listening for double digit hours per week for quite a while.

Now I'm splitting time between headphones and relatively low performance desktop speakers, but still really enjoying the music.  My music collection is bigger than it ever was, as I've been buying CDs like crazy, mostly at ridiculously low prices.  I got 5 CDs and a book for $10 at the flea market Sunday.  3 of the 5 CDs were Eagles albums I didn't have yet.

I also have a music player that I take in the car with me, or hook up to a stereo around the house for more casual listening.  It's no where near a Pono.  It's a re-purposed Android device.  But it plays FLAC and has a pretty darned nice interface.

So it's really a combination of where I listen, the lossless files, and the incredible sound of good headphones coupled with good outboard gear.

Again, sorry for the hijack.  This was just a really special thing for me, to "rediscover" music again.



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Sorry for the acronyms.

MC is JRiver Media Center. The full version of MC is what you get when you purchase MC from JRiver. It's $49.98.

PMW is Pono Music World. It's the version you get from Pono Music. It's a specialized version of MC. It focuses on music and lacks some of the features to do other things such as video, pictures, TV, etc. It also has extra functions not included in MC. Specifically it does the download of music from the Pono Music Store and it updates the firmware of the Pono Player.

The actual syncing of the Pono Player can be done using either PMW or MC.

I mentioned that you connect the Pono Player to the PC to do the syncing. While this is required to sync the internal memory it's not required for the MicoSD cards. I sync my MicroSD cards using a USB adapter. It's simple and actually faster as the Pono Player is only USB 2 and recent PCs are USB 3.

In my prior post I showed a picture of my options. You can review them and compare it to what you have. If you have questions on the options, please post back here on the ones you need clarification on.

I'm attaching here another picture which shows how to get to the options. You either have to have the Pono Player connected or have a MicoSD in a USB adapter connected to see these options.

On the left, where you see the tree, you can select the drive. It is under PonoPlayer, Drives & Devices.

At the top in the middle you see a button for Sync Now and another one for Options. Select the one for options and refer to my prior post for the options.

Good luck,



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Thanks again both of you! Lots of great information and I am overwhelmed with it all and excited for when I can try playing with my music player more and with the organizing of my files in my Music library in J River MC!
I got the attachments now also so thanks about that also!  Will write more soon
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