A. [Track Rating] does not exist in my library. So I'm pretty sure it's not an included field. No problem though, you can certainly use custom fields. I do.
Hmm - I must have added this myself at some point

C. I would personally not choose to use top 40 ratings as my main ratings. I like to assign my own. But I can sort of understand your motivation for doing so. If I was going to do this, I would probably have put that into a different field like "Top 40 Rating" or something. Again, nothing wrong with what you did. It's just unusual for me.
Agreed. When I started down this road - I wanted an easy way to see key tracks from any album. And I have this excellent book by Joel Whitburn "Rock Tracks" that ids pretty much every cool track from albums from 1981-2002 with a nice summary of classic rock tracks in a separate section. So I used this book as way to ID all the key tracks and then I used the chart position to establish a rating system.
But as I now have found out - this system is not useful for album cuts with no chart position at all.
I've considered adding a field called "Album Pick". The purpose of this field would be to identify stand out album tracks. So that, at a glance, I could see which album tracks *I* personally like the best. It would be a check box field, since it's a very "on or off" kind of thing. You could even filter views based on it if you wanted to. It could certainly be used in smartlists.
Right now - album cuts are always 1 star - but that is showing it's drawbacks as mentioned above. Even an Album Pick field would not work for me as it would assign equality to any album cut on a given record. Say I have a record with 4 album tracks I like - but only two of those tracks I want to hear more often. Having all 4 items with an "Album Pick" checked would not give proper promotion to the songs I want to hear more often. I would just get all four tracks coming up in equal rotation.
I use a "chart" identifier "Album Tracks" coupled WITH the rating field that nicely carves out the key cuts and allows me to use Rating (with Mix) in a smartlist to play those key cuts I want to hear more often
I am probably going to have to ditch my ratings based on chart position for sure. Because there are a lot of records that actually hit #1 that I would never want to hear again in this lifetime. Having those tracks sitting with a 5 star rating and coming up again and again in a smartlist is a pain.