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JRiver Media Center - Docker image

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I made my own docker image for JRiver and wanted to share my work with the community.

For those who don't know Docker, in few words, this is a lightweight app containerization solution. It does mean an image contains the application and the environment with its dependencies that run isolated from the docker host.
To be clear, you download it, you run it and it works ! You have nothing else to do. that's all.

It's by far the most exciting new techno these last years and the more efficient way to distribute softwares specially from a developper perspective. Because the dev environnement and the end-user environnement are the same, developpers can focus on their application and no more on how to make their software working on multiple environnements.

So I made JRiver app and JRiver data running in separated containers which are fully isolated. JRiver runs with users rights for security reason (no root rights).
It supports DLNA, auto-update and is easy to backup/restore.

You should give a try and you will understand how Docker is powerfull and that's the way to go.

JRMC21 and JRMC22 build are available here:

This is awesome!  How did you address the matter of getting a license installed?


--- Quote from: mcollier on July 23, 2016, 07:23:54 am ---This is awesome!  How did you address the matter of getting a license installed?

--- End quote ---

There are 2 ways, with user interface or with command line. I personaly use the ui way.


You have access to JRiver ui through VNC. The first time you connect to VNC, you need to right-click in the window then go to Desktops > desktop 1 > (Media Center)
Then you can activate your licence just by copy/paste


For the second way, you need to run bash with docker exec command:

--- Code: ---docker exec -it MyJRiverAppContainerName /bin/bash
--- End code ---

Then use the JRiver command to restore your licence

--- Code: ---mediacenter21 /RestoreFromFile "Media Center21 Linux-YYYYYY.mjr"
--- End code ---

This is fabulous. I've been running MC21 and MC22 in a linux vm on my QNAP NAS for the last 12 months or so. I've managed to set this up in QNAP's Container Station in about 5 minutes. Works straight out of the box once you set up the shared folders and networking in container station. This or something like it should have official support as soon as possible. It's much easier than creating/managing a separate linux VM.

(The only downside I've noticed so far is that the memory usage is very high (over 90%) when transcoding video so I'm not sure if I need to make any additional devices available to the container to reduce the load.)


--- Quote from: sjhilton on August 16, 2016, 07:44:43 am ---This is fabulous. I've been running MC21 and MC22 in a linux vm on my QNAP NAS for the last 12 months or so. I've managed to set this up in QNAP's Container Station in about 5 minutes. Works straight out of the box once you set up the shared folders and networking in container station. This or something like it should have official support as soon as possible. It's much easier than creating/managing a separate linux VM.

(The only downside I've noticed so far is that the memory usage is very high (over 90%) when transcoding video so I'm not sure if I need to make any additional devices available to the container to reduce the load.)

--- End quote ---

Glad to know you like it! As I said, Docker rocks :)

For the excessive memory usage, did you try both versions mc21 and mc22? In my opinion it might be the mc behavior and nothing to do with the container.


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