I have been testing a few z-wave switches. They are meant to be plugged in to ordinary outlets and to host a lamp or other device.
Here are the three I have done so far:
If you click on the picture, you'll get a bigger image and I think you can then read the labels.
Left to right are:
Everspring AD147-6
Medium size, works as a dimmer, a little slow (3 seconds) to turn on, but quick to turn off, no click.
Small, nice design, minor click when turned on or off, like a tick and tock, has a subtle ring of color when active.
Biggest of the three, a prominent colored ring of light around the face, louder click, has a USB port on the side, has a button that switches it on or off on the face but hard to see it.
All three work well with Engen, although the Aeotec shows up as a color device and isn't. All have an on/off switch for manual use.
All cost around $45 to $50. All are European models, which use a slightly different frequency for Z-Wave.
Everspring also makes a dimmer and it works well.
Including a couple of Aeotec bulbs I bought, I now have six devices in two rooms, controlled by Engen and the Panel Lighting web app. It cost about $375, including the Aeon Z Stick.
Using the Lighting web interface on any Android or my notebook, I can turn lights on or off individually or all at once.