That wasn't a typo in my post. You should be using [Genre,0]. The ,0 goes inside the field and tells MC to use the raw tag data rather than formatted data.
It matters not anyway as I've tested for you now, and it doesn't force the desired clear and replace.
There is clearly a language barrier here too, but don't worry, you're doing just about enough to be understood, respect to you

I was thinking, if this is to be automatic, how do you know what you want the genre to be set to?
Is the clue that you are downloading to multiple folders, and each folder is the genre name?
If I got that right, perhaps try just allowing it to import without the auto tag, then, select all of the imported files, and then, in the tag window, enter:
and press enter to have MC apply the containing folder name to the genre field for all files in one single pass.
You'll be done quicker than wrestling with this, and both myself and Brian would raise a smile and an eyebrow if you found a way round the seemingly hardcoded list type field behaviour.