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Author Topic: My entire library imported as 1 album [Solved]  (Read 3242 times)


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My entire library imported as 1 album [Solved]
« on: August 07, 2016, 07:54:57 pm »

Entire library of cd 's ripped in wav imported as 1 album unknown artist and unknown album. Not individual albums from individual artists.
Also listed as all track 1's from more than 150 cd's then all track 2's etc.
file extension shows artist, album and song info if you click on each individually.
Did the same thing years ago when I first tried JR. Now trying JR again and did same thing again.

Please Help.

RD James

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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 08:27:15 pm »

It sounds like your files are not tagged at all.
Try selecting all your files and pressing F12 to bring up the "fill properties from filename" tool.
Create a directory/filename template to match your naming structure.


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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2016, 08:27:42 pm »

WAV files have very limited support for metadata (tags).  If MC can't read the tags, then it can't automatically identify the artist, album, song name, etc for each file.

It sounds like you have album, artist, and song name encoded into the file and/or directory names though.  If that's true, you can probably get them identified pretty easily.  There is a tool:

Library Tools > Fill Properties from filename

Highlight some files and then use that tool to extract the info you want from the file and/or directory names.  It has an automatic mode which might work.  It also has a template mode which lets you specify how MC should read the information from the filenames.

If you post some examples of how your tracks are laid out (file and directory names) we should be able to help you get a template going that will allow you to do most, or all of your tracks at once.

Good luck.



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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2016, 07:00:41 pm »

WOW! That was easier than I expected. I could not do that a few years ago when I first tried JRiver. Wish that would of been done automatically when I imported.
I have a few more questions. I assume that JRiver just reads the files from my Nas and does not import them to my pc, correct?  Also, can I control my windows 10 desktop running JRiver connected to my stereo with my windows 10 laptop or do I need a tablet to control that PC with an app? Lastly, Do I have to do what I just did for the other PC's in my home(import and tag library again) when I download JRiver to them or will they sync the library with the first one I have JRiver running on with imported tagged  library?

Thanks again.

RD James

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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2016, 07:33:27 pm »

JRiver imports files by referencing their current location, it does not copy files.
I believe there's a specific way that's recommended to add files located on a NAS but it's not something that I've done before. (something about network paths rather than adding like a local folder?)

All installations of JRiver can be set up as a client/server and can control playback on other local machines. You have to enable the Media Network option.
Note: there are some restrictions placed on clients, and you need to use a password to make tag changes from a client. (e.g. rating files)


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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2016, 11:44:48 am »

I added files from my NAS by going to network path and specifying folder.
So if I understand you correctly any pc/tablet can control any pc/tablet with JRiver as long as Media Network option is enabled.
Where do I find the Media network option?
How do I sync library on different pc/tablet with library of initial install of JRiver? Will all pc's/tablets update automatically after adding new files to library

Many Thanks


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Re: My entire library imported as 1 album
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2016, 12:39:25 pm »

Please start a new thread with a topic that describes your question.
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