I'm not a heavy user of the MC Audio features (video is my thing) - and recently wanted to add some new music to my collection.
Overall it went well but the process was not as intuitive as I thought it should (could) be. I think this process could be improved a little. Here's my experience:
I inserted the first CD (of 3 CD set). MC popped up a display with a listing of the Album Name and Track Names (very nice!). I selected accept. Then I clicked the "Rip" button at the top of the screen.
1) The display showed all of the tracks and showed the "process of the rip" going from track to track (very nice!).
2) The rip ended for CD1 and the rip action window said "Finished". "Insert next CD or Click Close". (nice!).
3) I inserted CD2 and the popup window again lists the album name and track names. I click accept. ButNothing changes - rip doesn't start, and the new CD2 tracks don't show and there is no "Rip" button at the top of the screen this time (not good).
4) So I see the "Click here to restart ripping" (link, not button) in the action window. (The term "restart ripping" had me thinking. Why not just "start ripping"? Is this meant to re-rip the first CD or start a new rip? Semantics I guess). Anyways, I click the link and the rip for CD2 starts but it only display's one track at a time at the end of the CD1 list as each new track rip completes. (why not show all the tracks with the "progress and completed" bar like the first CD had?
5) CD3 went same as for CD2.
Not a big deal for disks 2 and 3, just not as nice as the first CD rip. I just thought I'd mention it in case there's a better way, or in case devs want to consider making this process a little better. IMO.
Thanks for reading.