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NEW: View Extras
--- Quote from: RD James on September 01, 2016, 11:15:56 am ---I think this menu should only appear if the filename matches the directory name.
So \Videos\Movie 123.mkv would not list any extras, but \Videos\Movie 123\Movie 123.mkv would.
Otherwise, can this be switched off?
It's just listing every single file that's in the same directory for me, even if it's unrelated.
If I right-click a movie, it gives me a list of every other movie in my library, since they're all in the same "movies" directory.
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I think it would make more sense, and would be easier overall, for you to put your related content into the same folders. You can use RMC. Asking to destroy this great functionality for all the other people who like it as it is is an imposition. I don't really see the devs making this an option to do it either way, which would be the best of both worlds.
RD James:
--- Quote from: fitbrit on September 01, 2016, 02:57:03 pm ---I think it would make more sense, and would be easier overall, for you to put your related content into the same folders. You can use RMC. Asking to destroy this great functionality for all the other people who like it as it is is an imposition. I don't really see the devs making this an option to do it either way, which would be the best of both worlds.
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I think you misunderstood my suggestion/request.
I think this could be a very useful feature to have, but only if it looks for extras, instead of blindly listing all files in the same directory as an "extra" regardless of context.
If I have:
\Videos\Movie 1.mkv
\Videos\Movie 2.mkv
\Videos\Movie 3.mkv
\Videos\Movie 4.mkv
\Videos\Movie 5.mkv
Right-clicking any of these movies should not list all the other movies as "extras".
However if I have:
\Videos\Movie 1.mkv
\Videos\Movie 2.mkv
\Videos\Movie 3\Movie 3.mkv
\Deleted Scenes.mkv
\Videos\Movie 4.mkv
\Videos\Movie 5.mkv
Then Movie 3 should display a list of extras while the others should not.
It seems more logical to do it this way, where you only create an extra directory for files which do have extras, rather than having to create a unique directory for every single video that you import - whether that's a Movie, TV Episode, or other video - in order to prevent them being listed as "extras".
--- Quote from: JimH on August 31, 2016, 11:47:35 am ---When an image is displayed, the first click should zoom in and the second one out. If it doesn't, then try escape or enter.
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For whatever reason, none of that "un-zooms". Escape, Enter, and (seemingly) double click, all exit Image viewing mode. I wonder if this is a Mac interface difference?
--- Quote ---The number keys also work when an image is displayed. 0 is the original state, 1 through 9 zoom in where the cursor is.
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All of that works except for 0. Zero (0) does nothing. The other keys zoom as advertised, and can be used to "un-zoom" after a click.
--- Quote from: RD James on September 01, 2016, 03:42:22 pm ---However if I have:
\Videos\Movie 1.mkv
\Videos\Movie 2.mkv
\Videos\Movie 3\Movie 3.mkv
\Deleted Scenes.mkv
\Videos\Movie 4.mkv
\Videos\Movie 5.mkv
Then Movie 3 should display a list of extras while the others should not.
--- End quote ---
I don't think that's the intention of the feature. I think it's intended to show related media that you would VIEW while listening to Audio. It probably should be turned off altogether for Video files.
There are other ways of grouping together related video files. Stacks are probably the most logical.
If you disagree, then your overall suggestion must make sense for all of the use cases. Simply asking for it to be changed, which breaks functionality for other people, but it still suits you, isn't a very friendly solution. Perhaps you hadn't seen it from that perspective. But that's how it appears to me because your suggestion would break essentially 100% of the cases on my system which work with the feature as it is intended to be used.
^ This raises a good point. If you use MC as a photo database you'll have folders with many jpegs or raw files. Right now View Extras builds a list of all the other photos in the folder. It should probably apply only when Media Type is Audio.
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