More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows
NEW: View Extras
--- Quote from: DJLegba on September 01, 2016, 05:27:29 pm ---^ This raises a good point. If you use MC as a photo database you'll have folders with many jpegs or raw files. Right now View Extras builds a list of all the other photos in the folder. It should probably apply only when Media Type is Audio.
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That's already been changed and will be coming in the next build.
RD James:
--- Quote from: blgentry on September 01, 2016, 04:17:38 pm ---I don't think that's the intention of the feature. I think it's intended to show related media that you would VIEW while listening to Audio. It probably should be turned off altogether for Video files.
There are other ways of grouping together related video files. Stacks are probably the most logical.
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OK, I see what the issue is.
The only place I have been seeing this "extras" menu appear in my library has been in all of my Film/TV/Video library views, where it's listing every single movie at once, or all episodes in a TV season etc.
So you can see why that might be problematic.
The way it works right now does make sense in the context of viewing supplemental files while listening to an album, such as quick access to a booklet.
So the current behavior is fine as long as it only applies to audio files, and the list it presents is filtered to only display non-audio files.
Perhaps what I have suggested - filtering so that it only displays an "extras" list if file name = folder name - may be possible for video files though?
--- Quote from: Matt on September 01, 2016, 05:32:39 pm ---That's already been changed and will be coming in the next build.
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That's a little unfortunate. I was hoping to use it for video too. A lot of BluRays and DVDs come with stills and extra material. It would be nice to use an MC movie view and be able to browse those extras without having to watch the main feature.
--- Quote from: fitbrit on September 01, 2016, 08:11:19 pm ---That's a little unfortunate. I was hoping to use it for video too. A lot of BluRays and DVDs come with stills and extra material. It would be nice to use an MC movie view and be able to browse those extras without having to watch the main feature.
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I agree. The functionality just needs to be thought out a bit more to make it work for any media format. For example, my suggestion above:
--- Quote from: RoderickGI on August 30, 2016, 09:02:30 pm ---Maybe the Extras file(s) names should start with the media file filename, and the View Extras option should filter to just files that begin with the same name?
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So the movie "Die Hard" with a file name "Die Hard.mkv" would have extras named "Die Hard_booklet.pdf", "Die Hard - original poster.jpg", "Die Hard review.doc" etc., and only those files would show in the "View Extras" menu.
I do tend to put movies in their own directory though, so \movies\Die Hard\Die Hard.mkv, \movies\Die Hard\booklet.pdf, \movies\Die Hard\original poster.jpg, \movies\Die Hard\review.doc, etc. would also work for me. But that wouldn't work with TV Episodes for a Season, which nearly always sit in one directory together. Making a directory for each episode wouldn't seem productive.
--- Quote from: RD James on September 01, 2016, 03:42:22 pm ---I think you misunderstood my suggestion/request.
I think this could be a very useful feature to have, but only if it looks for extras, instead of blindly listing all files in the same directory as an "extra" regardless of context.
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I don't think I misunderstood. Thanks for the more elaborate explanation - that is how I envisaged what you were saying. I think this is potentially a great new feature, and it's clear that many of us see ourselves using it in different ways. Fortunately we have this forum to discuss our ideas, and maybe it will take a few iterations, and possibly a few reversals, to settle on a feature set and mechanism of action that suits the most people. Our disagreements are perhaps necessary to make the feature even stronger as a finished product.
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