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Author Topic: Disappearing CUE files problem  (Read 1711 times)


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Disappearing CUE files problem
« on: September 01, 2016, 02:30:21 pm »

I have about 200 albums ripped as single-files with CUE sheets, adding up to around 2000 tracks.  Recently, the library has started losing track of of the CUE files and because the rip-as-one files are marked as "removed from library" (as they should) these 200 album have in effect disappeared altogether from MC. 

Importing these CUE files is tedious but not otherwise a problem, everything  will then appear as it should (i.e. the tracks are listed individually but not the file itself.  However, after closing down and starting up MC again, all these files have disappeared again!  I have done this more times than I care to remember but am getting no further towards a solution.  I tried saving to a new backup but that doesn't do it either.  Can someone please offer help?


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Re: Disappearing CUE files problem
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 04:23:27 pm »

A.  There's some possibility that you are "losing files" due to the "Fix Broken Links" setting.  This can happen if your drive or drives can be offline when MC starts, or while MC is running.  It's most common with removable drives, or with NAS devices that aren't always available.

Tools > Options > Library & Folders > configure auto import > Tasks > Fix Broken Links

I suggest setting this to "No".

B.  In my not so humble opinion, CUE files are an anachronism:  A left over from times past that no longer serve any useful purpose.  In fact, I've seen numerous reports here of CUE files causing issues that are unique to themselves (I.E., they only happen with CUE files).  If you have any way to do so, I would suggest converting them to real split files.  In any case I would try to never import one again:  Break the files up before import, or use a ripping process that produces individual files.  This is just friendly advice about something that clearly causes problems and has no benefits.  Feel free to ignore me if you disagree.

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