Thanks ferday for pointing me in the right direction. What I ended up with is:
=removeleft(filefolder([filename,0],0),3) - removeleft(filename([filename,0],0),5)
For the benefit of anyone else wanting to do something similar:
[filename,0] simply references the name and path of the file.
e.g. "D:\Training\Course Name\02.Chapter Name\0102.Filename.wmv"
The filefolder() function retrieve the part of the path specified but numbers from right to left so 0 is the folder containing the file and higher numbers specify folders closer to the root of the drive.
In my example "02.Chapter Name"
The filename() function retrieves the name of the file with the option 0 discarding the file suffix.
In my example "0102.Filename"
N.B. filename() is a function and different from [filename,0] which references a field.
The removeleft() function removes a specific number of characters from the string so I could get rid of the preceding numbers in my file path.
The first one removes 3 characters leaving me "Chapter Name" and the second 5 leaving me "Filename"
Putting it all together give me "Chapter Name - Filename"
I then selected all the files I want to edit and using the tag editor pasted my expression into the name tag and hey presto all my tags are updated.
Thanks again