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Author Topic: Subdirectory Views  (Read 2259 times)


  • World Citizen
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Subdirectory Views
« on: September 06, 2016, 04:12:13 pm »

On my hard drive, I have a subdirectory scheme like this: \movies; \movies\afi; \movies\children, etc. Currently I have the videos/movies view correctly displaying all of the movies in all of the subdirectories in the \movies folder. I cannot figure out how to get another library view (i.e. videos/movies/children) to display only the corresponding subdirectory content. It seems that I can only get no files displayed or all the files displayed. What is the correct way to set this up?


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 104
Re: Subdirectory Views
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2016, 07:17:10 pm »

I found a way to make it work, though not pretty. I changed the subdirectory names to something obscure like 1Christmas1Movies1 and created a rule for filename (path) contains 1Christmas1Movies1. It seems like there should be a cleaner way to only include directory paths in a particular view.


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Re: Subdirectory Views
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 07:39:18 pm »

You shouldn't need to change directory names in order to use a "filename (path) contains" statement.  You might need to surround your search term with double quotes like "childrens movies" .

But really, directory organization, while a good thing, is a terrible way to categorize your movies.  Why not simply do a search on your master movies view for "children" and then tag all of the movies with a Genre of children or similar?  Then you can build a view based on Genre and be done with it.  Or, if Genre doesn't work for you, use Keywords.  The point is, that directory paths are rather limiting and MC isn't designed to use paths as a primary organizational method.

Good luck.



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Re: Subdirectory Views
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2016, 08:09:34 pm »

I found a way to make it work, though not pretty. I changed the subdirectory names to something obscure like 1Christmas1Movies1 and created a rule for filename (path) contains 1Christmas1Movies1. It seems like there should be a cleaner way to only include directory paths in a particular view.

if in the filename (path) rule you put a couple rules:

filename (path) contains movies
filename (path) contains children

it should work fine...i have a few views like this.  i've since put keywords into all my movies rather than split them by kids movies in directory, so i have

keywords does not contain 18A
keywords contains children

there's more flexibility with configuring views by using tags rather than directory, but either way it should still work fine without weird directory names!


  • World Citizen
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Re: Subdirectory Views
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 10:03:53 pm »

Very good ideas that I will try.

The reason for the obscure names is that when it was named "children" and the path contained children, I got tons of audio album entries from my children's album folder.

The reason for the subdirectory views was to keep from scrolling through posters for saw1-6 to get to snow white, and also not having to ensure that proper auto-tag info on each and every movie was correct.

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