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Author Topic: Library Management  (Read 6234 times)


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Library Management
« on: October 03, 2016, 10:12:15 am »

Have read the Wiki on managing Libraries so not very hopeful for my inquiry.

Currently all my albums are in a single library.  Based on the genre of many of my recent additions, I was thinking of setting up new libraries for certain genres.  I see where you can drag and drop folders from Explorer into a (new) library.

If I am in MC and album mode,for example, can I drag and drop an album (represented by the cover art) into another library?


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2016, 11:35:11 am »

You probably shouldn't create any new libraries for this purpose.  Libraries are meant to separate things that would never be used together.  Different Genres of music are something you might browse through in a single listening session.  So all of the music genres probably belong in the same library.

You would almost certainly be best served by building some media views to separate out some of your media within the same library.  If you can describe one or two of the tasks you are trying to do (organization), we can probably suggest how to best build views to suit those goals.



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2016, 12:25:35 pm »

You probably shouldn't create any new libraries for this purpose.  Libraries are meant to separate things that would never be used together.  Different Genres of music are something you might browse through in a single listening session.  So all of the music genres probably belong in the same library.

You would almost certainly be best served by building some media views to separate out some of your media within the same library.  If you can describe one or two of the tasks you are trying to do (organization), we can probably suggest how to best build views to suit those goals.


Stuck with me again, eh, Brian.?!

I have recently acquired a large number of what would be considered Classic Rock albums.  However, when I look at the GENRES view, they do not show together since there are a lot of "Rock" tagws and the genre tags for the various albums appear to be somewhat arbitrary and not what I might have assigned.  I was hoping there was a way to segregate these albums after the fact since Classic Rock is not a genre I typically listen to.

In retrospect, I should have imported them into a new Classic Rock library and not added them to my "master" library.  Unfortunately, many of us do not have the experience or presence of mind to anticipate these types of issues when we start using MC.


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2016, 01:00:37 pm »

Am I understanding that you really just want a way to tag these all as "Classic Rock" (or something else descriptive) and see that in the Genres view?

That should be cake.  If all of these albums are in their own parent folder, together, you can select them that way, using the Audio > Files view.  If they are not all together under a common directory or something easy to locate, you can almost certainly sort the files view by [Date Imported] and find all of them clumped together that way.

Once you have them all selected, all you have to do is open the Tag Action Window (Edit > Tag) and find Genre.  Then type in, or select, the genre you want to give them.  Boom!  MC will tag all of the files at once and they will all have the same Genre.

You should try this with a couple of albums first, to get the hang of it.  Verify your work by looking in the Genres view and see that those albums are in the right place.  Then do some more; perhaps all of them at once at some point.

We'll get you used to how MC works in no time Big Guy.  :)



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2016, 08:50:55 am »

Am I understanding that you really just want a way to tag these all as "Classic Rock" (or something else descriptive) and see that in the Genres view?

That should be cake.  If all of these albums are in their own parent folder, together, you can select them that way, using the Audio > Files view.  If they are not all together under a common directory or something easy to locate, you can almost certainly sort the files view by [Date Imported] and find all of them clumped together that way.

Once you have them all selected, all you have to do is open the Tag Action Window (Edit > Tag) and find Genre.  Then type in, or select, the genre you want to give them.  Boom!  MC will tag all of the files at once and they will all have the same Genre.

You should try this with a couple of albums first, to get the hang of it.  Verify your work by looking in the Genres view and see that those albums are in the right place.  Then do some more; perhaps all of them at once at some point.

We'll get you used to how MC works in no time Big Guy.  :)


No, Brian, not just tag but actually have the Classic Rock albums in another library and not show in my "master" library.

I am best off DELETING them from master library and then importing them into a new Classic Rock library?

Would I use "DELETE FROM LIBRARY" for this operation recognizing that it would need to be done for each album desired?


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2016, 09:39:28 am »


I would keep them in the main library, but use views to keep them "hidden".  By Tagging them properly this is very easy to do! 

After all, a record store has (used to have, when they existed I guess) everything in its place but there isn't a back room for the less "desirable" items, and on the occasion where you or a guest wants to queue up something it's just right there


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2016, 09:48:53 am »


I would keep them in the main library, but use views to keep them "hidden".  By Tagging them properly this is very easy to do! 

After all, a record store has (used to have, when they existed I guess) everything in its place but there isn't a back room for the less "desirable" items, and on the occasion where you or a guest wants to queue up something it's just right there

Great thought, ferday.

So...  I would need to retag the albums that are less "desirable" as, say Classic Rock as well as retag those that are in that category to another genre as appropriate.

But...  How do I use VIEWS to keep them "hidden"?


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2016, 09:59:54 am »

There are many ways to filter the view. You could define a new user "Joe Rockhead", then select all your Classic Rock albums and change the User field to Joe Rockhead in the tag editor. Then you right-click the view you want to customize (or even create a new view) and change the display filter to add a rule "User" is not "Joe Rockhead".


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2016, 10:20:02 am »

Here's one way I do this.  I keep odd sound files segregated out of my normal views.  In my case, this includes test clips like Pink Noise, Sine waves, etc, as well as Sound Effects (like rain and that kind of thing).

To do this, my main OUTER view Audio, has two rules:
[Media Sub Type] is not Test Clip
[Genre] is not Sound Effect

Because Audio is the Parent view of ALL of my audio views, every view inside of Audio automatically excludes Test Clips and Sound Effects.

Then, outside of Audio, I have another main Outer view called "Other Audio" (not very descriptive I know).  Other Audio has two rules:

[Media Sub Type] is Test Clip
[Genre] is any Sound Effects

So Other Audio *only* shows me the "odd" files that I exclude from my main Audio.

You could do something similar.  It's just a matter of figuring out what you might want to call your other category.  Then deciding whether it's smartest to categorize these "not very often listened to" files with a Genre tag, or a Keywords tag, or something else.  If you predict that you might have more files like this in the future, then a Keywords tag might be best.  Something descriptive like "Exclude from Main", or "Not Popular", or "I don't know why I have these" .  :)

Then just build your views based upon the Keywords tag and you're all set.



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2016, 11:34:02 am »

Here's one way I do this.  I keep odd sound files segregated out of my normal views.  In my case, this includes test clips like Pink Noise, Sine waves, etc, as well as Sound Effects (like rain and that kind of thing).

(1) To do this, my main OUTER view Audio, has two rules:
[Media Sub Type] is not Test Clip
[Genre] is not Sound Effect

Because Audio is the Parent view of ALL of my audio views, every view inside of Audio automatically excludes Test Clips and Sound Effects.

(2) Then, outside of Audio, I have another main Outer view called "Other Audio" (not very descriptive I know).  Other Audio has two rules:

[Media Sub Type] is Test Clip
[Genre] is any Sound Effects

So Other Audio *only* shows me the "odd" files that I exclude from my main Audio.

You could do something similar.  It's just a matter of figuring out what you might want to call your other category.  Then deciding whether it's smartest to categorize these "not very often listened to" files with a Genre tag, or a Keywords tag, or something else.  If you predict that you might have more files like this in the future, then a Keywords tag might be best.  Something descriptive like "Exclude from Main", or "Not Popular", or "I don't know why I have these" .  :)

Then just build your views based upon the Keywords tag and you're all set.


(1) OK, right clicking on AUDIO, I see where I can CUSTOMIZE VIEW, and then EDIT SEARCH. and then make selections to EDIT THE SEARCH.
So, I could select <GENRE> <is not> <CLASSIC ROCK>.  BTW, are these case sensitive?
OR, to your point, use KEYWORDS which may be easier.

(2a) How do I create another "main Outer view", in my case perhaps CLASSIC ROCK?
(2b) Would it be listed on the same tree level as AUDIO or next level down similar to GENRE, ARTIST, etc.?
(2c) Can there be more than 2 "main outer views", e.g., AUDIO, CLASSIC ROCK, TEST CLIPS, etc.?


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2016, 02:10:50 pm »

(1) OK, right clicking on AUDIO, I see where I can CUSTOMIZE VIEW, and then EDIT SEARCH. and then make selections to EDIT THE SEARCH.

I think you're close, but not in the right spot.  See my attached screen shot.  Right click on (1) to get Customize view.  I think you're doing that already.  Then click on (2) to set rules for that view.  Finally, add rules at (3) to filter and alter that view and all of it's child views.

So, I could select <GENRE> <is not> <CLASSIC ROCK>.  BTW, are these case sensitive?

Yes, they are case sensitive.  But it's easy to do correctly, because once you select "Genre" and "is not" you'll have a pull down list to select from.  Just put a check next to your selection.  No need to type or spell.

(2a) How do I create another "main Outer view", in my case perhaps CLASSIC ROCK?

Right click somewhere in the left hand tree and select "add library view".  In the dialog that comes up, make a selection.  I suggest "blank view".  Then, this is the important part:  Find the part that says "Location".  In Location, select "Root".  That will make a new Root view (the root is the top of the views).  Name it what you want and continue.

(2b) Would it be listed on the same tree level as AUDIO or next level down similar to GENRE, ARTIST, etc.?

Doing it the way I just described will make it a root view.  This means it is on the SAME level as Audio.  Audio is a root view.  To make it appear inside of Audio, just right click on Audio and to Add Library View.  Location will automatically be set to Audio.  Location determines where the view is placed after you create it.

(2c) Can there be more than 2 "main outer views", e.g., AUDIO, CLASSIC ROCK, TEST CLIPS, etc.?

Yes.  You can have as many "outer views" (or Root Views) as you want.  You should already have several including Audio, Video, and perhaps Images, and Documents.

"Classic Rock" as an outer view might be kind of weird.  Personally, I would put Classic Rock under the main Audio group.  But do whatever makes sense for your setup.  Good luck.


rec head

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Re: Library Management
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2016, 09:32:04 am »

Sorry for the hijack

blgentry - I see you have a Playlist view under Audio. I understand that how to make a Playlist view under Audio but I'm not sure how to get it to behave how I would like and wondering if this is possible. All I am looking to do is under Audio have only playlist that strictly contain audio files and to be able to manage them as I would when I am in the main Playlists view. I have never liked having to jump around from Playlists to Audio and always thought it should be a default view. I would then do the same thing for Video.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2016, 11:20:29 am »

(A) I think you're close, but not in the right spot.  See my attached screen shot.  Right click on (1) to get Customize view.  I think you're doing that already.  Then click on (2) to set rules for that view.  Finally, add rules at (3) to filter and alter that view and all of it's child views.

Yes, they are case sensitive.  But it's easy to do correctly, because once you select "Genre" and "is not" you'll have a pull down list to select from.  Just put a check next to your selection.  No need to type or spell.

Right click somewhere in the left hand tree and select "add library view".  In the dialog that comes up, make a selection.  I suggest "blank view".  Then, this is the important part:  Find the part that says "Location".  In Location, select "Root".  That will make a new Root view (the root is the top of the views).  Name it what you want and continue.

Doing it the way I just described will make it a root view.  This means it is on the SAME level as Audio.  Audio is a root view.  To make it appear inside of Audio, just right click on Audio and to Add Library View.  Location will automatically be set to Audio.  Location determines where the view is placed after you create it.

Yes.  You can have as many "outer views" (or Root Views) as you want.  You should already have several including Audio, Video, and perhaps Images, and Documents.

"Classic Rock" as an outer view might be kind of weird.  Personally, I would put Classic Rock under the main Audio group.  But do whatever makes sense for your setup.  Good luck.


(A) So, on my main library, right-clicking on AUDIO, I got to the screen as shown in your screenshot.
The first rule is <MEDIA TYPE> <IS> <AUDIO>
Went to create a second rule...

Able to set up first two boxes but when I get to third, there is a pulldown but only choice is [ ] (empty).
How do I put in a descriptor like TESTS or CLASSIC ROCK?
NOTE: I WAS able to set up 2 new root views for CLASSIC ROCK and TESTS.

If I want to do this for my new ROOT view, e.g., CLASSIC ROCK, how do I set up the rule
<KEYWORD> <IS> <CLASSIC ROCK> which presumably would show a view of only CLASSIC ROCK.

(B) What are MODIFIERS and how do they apply here?  I see the default is NO MODIFICATION.


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2016, 01:07:41 pm »

blgentry - I see you have a Playlist view under Audio. I understand that how to make a Playlist view under Audio but I'm not sure how to get it to behave how I would like and wondering if this is possible.

I read what you wrote, but I don't really understand what you are trying to do.  Please start a new thread and I'll try to respond in that thread.  Then we can go back and forth on just that topic and hopefully get it resolved.



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2016, 01:11:10 pm »

The first rule is <MEDIA TYPE> <IS> <AUDIO>
Went to create a second rule...

Able to set up first two boxes but when I get to third, there is a pulldown but only choice is [ ] (empty).
How do I put in a descriptor like TESTS or CLASSIC ROCK?

Just do it in the second line.  When you do Keywords is not, the box that pulls up in the next column should have a list of keywords.  You can check one keyword, or two, or three, etc.

If I want to do this for my new ROOT view, e.g., CLASSIC ROCK, how do I set up the rule
<KEYWORD> <IS> <CLASSIC ROCK> which presumably would show a view of only CLASSIC ROCK.

Just like above.  Right click on your Classic Rock view.  Then do set rules for file display, just like above and write your keywords rule.

(B) What are MODIFIERS and how do they apply here?  I see the default is NO MODIFICATION.

Modifiers are things like sorting, expansion, limits... more advanced things.  You can read about them on the wiki, or in forum threads.  They probably aren't useful for this particular exercise.



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2016, 10:03:45 am »

(A) Just do it in the second line.  When you do Keywords is not, the box that pulls up in the next column should have a list of keywords.  You can check one keyword, or two, or three, etc.

Just like above.  Right click on your Classic Rock view.  Then do set rules for file display, just like above and write your keywords rule.

(B) Modifiers are things like sorting, expansion, limits... more advanced things.  You can read about them on the wiki, or in forum threads.  They probably aren't useful for this particular exercise.


(A) First line of rules is <Media Type> <is> <Audio>
However, when I try to add a second rule/line such as <Keyword> <is not any>, I cannot enter anything into the 3rd box...the only thing in the pulldown is a checkbox with the word Empty, e.g., <[ ] empty>.
How do I enter, for example, enter <Classic Rock> in the third box?
I understand that I will have to change the keyword tags for the Classic Rock albums to Classic Rock for the proper view.

(B) OK; beyond my paygrade.


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Re: Library Management
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2016, 10:08:24 am »

(A) First line of rules is <Media Type> <is> <Audio>
However, when I try to add a second rule/line such as <Keyword> <is not any>, I cannot enter anything into the 3rd box...the only thing in the pulldown is a checkbox with the word Empty, e.g., <[ ] empty>.
How do I enter, for example, enter <Classic Rock> in the third box?

OK, I think I see what you are saying now.  You can't select Classic Rock, because it doesn't appear in your keywords list.  That must mean that you have not assigned a Keywords tag to ANY files on your system (Audio files that is).  That's pretty normal actually.

So, go find some (or all) of your Classic Rock files.  Highlight them and open the tagging window.  Then go to the Keywords field, and add "Classic Rock" (no quotes) as a keyword for them.  Now, when you go back to your View definition, Classic Rock will be available to be selected.



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Re: Library Management
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2016, 10:43:01 am »

OK, I think I see what you are saying now.  You can't select Classic Rock, because it doesn't appear in your keywords list.  That must mean that you have not assigned a Keywords tag to ANY files on your system (Audio files that is).  That's pretty normal actually.

So, go find some (or all) of your Classic Rock files.  Highlight them and open the tagging window.  Then go to the Keywords field, and add "Classic Rock" (no quotes) as a keyword for them.  Now, when you go back to your View definition, Classic Rock will be available to be selected.


Duh!  A bit hard to search on a descriptor in KEYWORD when none have been used!  Now its starting to make sense.
By doing this I can have Classic Rock, Tests, etc., under main root AUDIO like RECENTLY ALBUMS, ARTISTS, etc., and leave the AUDIO root the way it is.

Given that I use RECENT ALBUMS as my primary view, I can also have rules such that CLASSIC ROCK and TESTS do not show.

I continue to be impressed with how powerful MC is and how little of its capability I currently use.

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