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Author Topic: Windows, Android or Ipad?  (Read 3215 times)

Blue Boy

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Windows, Android or Ipad?
« on: December 15, 2016, 04:15:49 pm »


I still try to figure out how to get an tablet to work as a remote control for my setup that has no TV screen. Using a computer with my files connected to my HiFi via USB dac.
 I already own a Sony Windows tablet but there is no apps for JR river when I search the Windows Store. I could use my windows phone but I want a bigger and better screen than a tiny phone. I may as well tell you that I am a music nerd, but have no deeper knowledge about servers, NAS and other computer lingo. Surfing the remote forum just made me confused. If there is no way to use my Windows tablet I found that Android tablets are much cheaper than Ipads, (at least in my country) but I want the best solution and a solution that will last for a long time.
Is there anyone with the same or similar setup that have worked out a good solution for this issue? Any input will be very welcome!

Features wanted:

Search option for: albums and artists
Search options for: track titles (for example all versions of a specific song with different artists)
Showing: All my genres
Showing; Cover art
Showing: All tracks from the albums.
Creating playlists.

Regards Blue Boy


Blue Boy

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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 04:03:23 am »



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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2016, 04:28:06 am »

There's no one correct answer to your question so that's maybe why there's no response. You could for example use Remote desktop from your windows tablet to the headless MC machine that might work for you.

You could create some views on MC that match what you want to do and use an android/apple app.

There's the 'Panel' interface into MC22 that offers some possibilities.

It's a case of whatever works for you. It may take some experimentation and some knowledge/learning but there's a number of options out there.


Blue Boy

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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2016, 09:09:07 am »

Thank you Spike for your input. Do you mean by this while using (at least to start with my) windows tablet wia WiFi to remote my "Music" computer? As I mentioned earlier I don't ask much just this features:

Search option for: albums and artists
Search options for: track titles (for example all versions of a specific song with different artists)
Showing: All my genres
Showing; Cover art
Showing: All tracks from the albums.
Creating playlists.


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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2016, 11:03:46 am »

On your Windows tablet you can use Webgizmo. It is very similar to the Android version of Gizmo, but it is not really a tablet app. It is really meant for computers, not tablets. It does much of what you want, although I do not believe you you can create and store new playlists. You can add tracks to Playing Now, which essentially creates a one session playlist. You can access Playlists that are stored on your music PC. You can customize the views for Webgizmo in the Options - Tools - Media Network options on your Music PC. You should give it a try and see how you like it. If it seems to do what you need, you can borrow someones Android phone and install the Android version and give it a try. Gizmo is free. JRemote in $10. JRemote is a more table friendly app than Gizmo.

You can access Webgizmo  it at

You will need your Access Key, which you get from Options - Tools - Media Network on your Music PC. It is a 6 letter code, like ABcdeF, and is case sensitive.

Gizmo is available on Android devices.

JRemote is available on IOS and Android devices, although the Android version is not as complete as the IOS one. I believe JRemote has more playlist control than Gizmo but I do not know the details.

All of these interfaces are pretty static - very little work is being done to enhance them.

Panel is a new development and can access Webgizmo as well as other options. There is more on Panel at the top of this forum. It is more of an access portal than a new table app for audio.

Hope that gets you started.



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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2016, 11:16:03 am »

You can also run MC on your Windows tablet as a client of your MC library. Then use Theater View's touch skin to control selection and playback on the PC from your tablet. It is ALMOST good enough if the playback controls were more easily accessible during playback.

Blue Boy

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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2016, 03:24:19 pm »

Thanks to you all,

My windows tablet is a Sony with the full windows 10 OS. That makes it in fact a complete windows computer.
I did have an app in my Windowsphone 8.1 and still have but it is too tiny to do the things I want.
I can always play around with my tablet before go shopping an Ipad they cost four times as much in my country as an Android.


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Re: Windows, Android or Ipad?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2016, 03:33:58 pm »

Yes, look at Tremote, which is a part of MC. You can use one instance of MC to control another. Love this feature.
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