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Author Topic: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?  (Read 3537 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« on: January 25, 2017, 01:21:00 pm »

This version JRremote currently displays artists through a portion of letter "A" (small subset of total) yet it properly displays all albums on my iPad? The iPad is running on iOS v10.2.

The currently available version of JRemote on Google Play properly displays all artists and albums - running on a Samsung galaxy S6.

Both Versions of JRemote accessing the latest version of Media Center 22 on same PC. Please help?!


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 07:59:32 pm »

Check if your meta data has "artist" rather than "album artist" filled in correctly.
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
I am the owner / sole admin for ("fan" site for Cyrus Audio hifi)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 07:37:23 am »

Check if your meta data has "artist" rather than "album artist" filled in correctly.

Most grateful for the reply.

I have checked metadata and it is set to the default Album Artist[auto].

This default setting works great on android platform but yields truncated Artist list in IOS version.

When metadata setting is changed to Artist - the IOS version 3.23 and 3.24 list three times as many entries - but still never gets out of the "A"s The android version then lists every single album? :(

A reset to the defaults (using the reset button) -  brings the android version back to proper operation, but IOS version still stuck with partial list?

I remain grateful for any and all ideas!  I miss my JRemote


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 03:14:53 pm »

What's the artist / album artist metadata for an artist invisible in jremote but visible in gizmo? I think this must be down to metadata, I've had similar where an artist is treated separately as the same value setup as album artist. Eg Abba as artist and Abba as album artist, and you can get albums to appear in one but not the other.

With my own meta data, artist is populated, and album artist is empty, and gizmo/jriver both work no issues.
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
I am the owner / sole admin for ("fan" site for Cyrus Audio hifi)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 67
Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2017, 08:22:52 am »

What's the artist / album artist metadata for an artist invisible in jremote but visible in gizmo? I think this must be down to metadata, I've had similar where an artist is treated separately as the same value setup as album artist. Eg Abba as artist and Abba as album artist, and you can get albums to appear in one but not the other.

With my own meta data, artist is populated, and album artist is empty, and gizmo/jriver both work no issues.

Thanks for reply. I queried first invisible artist in JRemote 3.24, but visible in JRemote android v21.0.1.  Metadata in Artist field and Album Artist field is identical. Items found in Artist list for JRemote 3.24 = 303 total. Items found in Artist list for JRemote for android = 14,886 total (correct).
Both platforms displayed properly prior to JRemote v3.23?

FYI - First invisible artist metadata did have several "foreign characters" in Album Artist field. After removal of these incorrect characters, JRemote v3.24 now displays full list!!! Why android version did not stumble on same characters remains mystery, but my problem is solved.

Thanks aoqw76 for your kind assistance!


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Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2017, 01:53:16 pm »

Thanks for reply. I queried first invisible artist in JRemote 3.24, but visible in JRemote android v21.0.1.  Metadata in Artist field and Album Artist field is identical. Items found in Artist list for JRemote 3.24 = 303 total. Items found in Artist list for JRemote for android = 14,886 total (correct).
Both platforms displayed properly prior to JRemote v3.23?

FYI - First invisible artist metadata did have several "foreign characters" in Album Artist field. After removal of these incorrect characters, JRemote v3.24 now displays full list!!! Why android version did not stumble on same characters remains mystery, but my problem is solved.

Thanks aoqw76 for your kind assistance!
What kind of "foreign characters" were they?  (Asian, German, etc)...


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 67
Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2017, 01:35:09 pm »

What kind of "foreign characters" were they?  (Asian, German, etc)...

Now so sorry I did not take snapshot - prior to deletion (my bad) >:(
Big hurry as I suffered so, without my JRemote!

Did not resemble any letter in "normal" European alphabets... Martian?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRemote v3.24 not listing all artists?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2017, 07:08:31 pm »

I have Björk and Sigur Rós appearing just fine, so umlauts and accents are ok!
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
I am the owner / sole admin for ("fan" site for Cyrus Audio hifi)
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