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Author Topic: device sync with grouping?  (Read 2218 times)

Bill Kearney

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device sync with grouping?
« on: January 30, 2017, 02:26:49 pm »

What's the right set of variables to use to sync tracks onto a storage device and group them in alphabetical chunks?

As in, group them by artist in a A-F,G-L,M-R,S-Y kind of organizing.

Is that possible?  It'd make digging through tracks go a bit quicker when scrolling on the car's dashboard touchscreen.

I could, of course, just use the first letter, but is it possible to use a range?

Bill Kearney

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Re: device sync with grouping?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 10:15:40 pm »

I've kind of answered my own question here.  The wiki spreads this info all over the place, making it very hard to knit it all together.

This sort of works:
if(!isEmpty([Feed URL]), Podcasts\[Album]\[Name],Music\left([Artist],1)\[Artist]\[Album])   

If the track came from a Podcast it'll have a Feed URL value.  If so, the track gets put at "Podcasts\Feed Name\Episode Name\filename"

If not, the the path will be "Music\A\Artist\Album\filename"

The use of Left(Artist,1) gets me the 1st letter, but it's problematic for bands with names like "The Beatles", as you'd be more likely to browse for them in the B's not the T's.

AlbumArtist() is problematic in that some albums the result will come back as "(Multiple Artists)" making the use of Left(1) result in a ( character for the folder name.  Not really ideal.

I'd imagine with a bit more head-banging I could divine a way to get alpha grouping.  But the mere possibility of being sucked into the time vortex of crafting Regex strings sends me away screaming in terror.

I'm open to suggestions on how to construct a path that uses some alphabetical grouping.

Bill Kearney

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Re: device sync with grouping?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 10:29:02 pm »

one step further, using the clean() function:

if(!isEmpty([Feed URL]), Podcasts\clean([Album],3)\clean([left(Name],20),3),Music\left(clean([Artist],1),1)\[Artist]\[Album])   

With these tweaks, "the" gets chopped off the front, some of the potentially very long podcast episode names get shortened and illegal characters get stripped.

I'd still gladly welcome any advice on how to group things.

Bill Kearney

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Re: device sync with grouping?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 09:48:58 am »

Would the MoveArticles() function help?  As in, does it ignore artist names that don't have an 'article' at the beginning?

Is there a list of the 'articles' the function recognizes?  Clearly 'the' and 'a' are, but is there anything else?
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