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Author Topic: Tagging changes not updated in MC library  (Read 5030 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« on: February 02, 2017, 12:02:40 pm »

Because I always used iTunes before moving to MC, I have continued to use iTunes to do my tagging. MC has always done a great job of updating those changes within the MC library the next time I ran Import. However, recent changes I made in iTunes with respect to changing genres of many albums was not reflected after the most recent Import within MC. Any suggestions as to why this may have happened and how to fix would be appreciated. Because I have reclassified several hundred albums (done in order to reduce the number of genres down to a meaningful list) checking manually would be difficult.


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2017, 12:15:21 pm »

Because I always used iTunes before moving to MC, I have continued to use iTunes to do my tagging. MC has always done a great job of updating those changes within the MC library the next time I ran Import. However, recent changes I made in iTunes with respect to changing genres of many albums was not reflected after the most recent Import within MC. Any suggestions as to why this may have happened and how to fix would be appreciated. Because I have reclassified several hundred albums (done in order to reduce the number of genres down to a meaningful list) checking manually would be difficult.
That's interesting, I'd think if the file changed the import would reread the tags.
Can you pick one track, do a right-click->Library Tools->Update Library from Tags and see what happens?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2017, 12:55:14 pm »

Thanks for the suggestion; unfortunately it didn't work. Originally in iTunes I had an album that had been tagged as Psychadelic (mis-spelled). I had changed it in iTunes to Psychedelic and there (in iTunes) it moved it into the Psychedilic genre and got rid of the Psychadelic genre altogether. I have updated other playback software since the change (Audirvana) and the change was reflected there in its library. So the tag change got embedded to the file but for some reason is not being reflected through MC Import not through changing library to match tags.


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2017, 03:32:29 pm »

Thanks for the suggestion; unfortunately it didn't work. Originally in iTunes I had an album that had been tagged as Psychadelic (mis-spelled). I had changed it in iTunes to Psychedelic and there (in iTunes) it moved it into the Psychedilic genre and got rid of the Psychadelic genre altogether. I have updated other playback software since the change (Audirvana) and the change was reflected there in its library. So the tag change got embedded to the file but for some reason is not being reflected through MC Import not through changing library to match tags.
That's not adding up.
The function "update library from tags"
Pulls the latest tag info from the file and inserts it into the database.
You could try selecting "tag" on the file from within MC then clicking on the top line of the tag pane which will have the file format, time and size next to a thumbnail and it will display the values in the tags on the file itself.
See what the genre is there...



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2017, 03:51:38 pm »

Yeah, I know it is not adding up. However, when I selected one song from the album and opened Tags it still showed the genre as Psychadelic and not Psychedelic. Rechecked in iTunes and Audirvana and they show as Psychedelic, as did Yate. I have never had a similar issue with MC and have been using it for four years. It has always faithfully reflected whatever changes were made on the music files.


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2017, 04:01:29 pm »

I'd check it with a 3rd party tag editor, not player.
It sounds to me like the change is only happening in the iTunes library and your other program is picking it up there.
If it still looks bad, please email me a small track.
bob (at) jriver (dot) com



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2017, 05:20:47 pm »

 I have used Yate (one of the better meta-tag editors for the mac and it shows that the genre change has been reflected in the embedded file and not just in iTunes and the other audio players.
I can send you a file, but it is not just in one file this is happening, but in the hundreds of albums to which genre changes were recently made. The smallest file in the album I have been working with is 122mb (96k sample rate). Is there a drop box to send it to?


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2017, 06:16:09 pm »

I have used Yate (one of the better meta-tag editors for the mac and it shows that the genre change has been reflected in the embedded file and not just in iTunes and the other audio players.
I can send you a file, but it is not just in one file this is happening, but in the hundreds of albums to which genre changes were recently made. The smallest file in the album I have been working with is 122mb (96k sample rate). Is there a drop box to send it to?
Sending you a PM...


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2017, 07:04:10 pm »

There's probably some sort of issue here with itunes versus MC tagging.

But the real issue is, why are you not using MC to tag?  MC is a fantastic tagging program.  It's easy to use, and very powerful.  If you're committed to MC, you should use it to tag as well.  It will make your life easier.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2017, 07:50:00 pm »

File upped to dropbox; thanks.
Would be surprised if it was an iTunes issue as I have imported over 12000 albums tagged in iTunes previously to MC with zero issues. This all began last week as I was re-tagging the genre tags on certain albums to reduce the number of genres I had for my music files. The first batch I did was mirrored correctly when I next did an Import within MC. A few days later I retagged more albums and it was then that MC failed to recognize the changes. I knew there was an issue when import showed nothing had been imported nor changed. To be sure it was not an iTunes I double checked with Yate and several other audio playback apps and they all reflected the changes made within iTunes. And these apps all included their own music management so they were not just piggy-backing off the iTunes database.

I have used MC for tagging and probably will in the future, but often find that my familiarity with iTunes results in its utilization.


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2017, 11:19:23 am »

That was a fun rabbit hole to go down.
I assume it's only the Genres Psychedelic that was wrong?

If so, it turns out we are reading the tags properly. In the standard table the default for Psychedelic is 68. If you change to a custom genre, the standard table isn't used and you can use any spelling.
The issue was that the standard table mapping in MC is wrong! It has the spelling as Psychadelic and so when you you tag it in iTunes it just puts in 68 as the standard table entry and MC will always show that as Psychadelic.

Anyway it will be fixed in the next build...


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2017, 11:55:42 am »

Thank you so much for figuring this out. Maintains my faith that there is always an explanation for why things happen in software. And why, in this case the changes in other genre were reflected and psychadelic to psychedelic wasn't. Your explanation makes so much sense, given that the reason I had albums designated as psychadelic is that word is an easy one to misspell. Very happy to wait for the next release for a fix. You guys at JRiver do such a great job.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2017, 11:56:02 am »

Just downloaded the latest version of MC22 and re-ran import to determine if it would correct the "psychadelic" genre and change it to "psycheldelic". It did not make the correction. Is there something else I need to do to trigger it to make the correction?


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2017, 12:59:37 pm »

Just downloaded the latest version of MC22 and re-ran import to determine if it would correct the "psychadelic" genre and change it to "psycheldelic". It did not make the correction. Is there something else I need to do to trigger it to make the correction?
I think you just need to update the library from the file tags.
Try picking one wrong file in MC, right-click on it and do library tools->update library from tags.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2017, 01:17:36 pm »

Thanks, Bob, that worked. Tried one file first (success) and then did a search for "psychadelic" and "applied update library from tags" to the remaining 465 files and they all changed correctly. Follow-up search revealed 0 files under genre "psychadelic"


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Re: Tagging changes not updated in MC library
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2017, 01:20:18 pm »

Thanks, Bob, that worked. Tried one file first (success) and then did a search for "psychadelic" and "applied update library from tags" to the remaining 465 files and they all changed correctly. Follow-up search revealed 0 files under genre "psychadelic"
Good to hear. Thanks for the report back.
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