After importing new movies in MC, I edit the [Language] tag to check "English" and/or "French" (I am a french Canadian from Québec).
In Theaterview, I have custom views defined to show only movies where the rule for file display meets "Language contains french".
I use this view for when I have visitors confortable only in "la langue de Molière"...
You could also create a custom [Subtitles] library field of type list, that would allow you to add and use the subtitle info in the same fashion. I was surprised to see that there is no standard field for this...
I do not care too much about subtitles, but I did create a custom [3D Info] field to manage my 3D only (SBS and OU) and 3D capable (MVC encoded MKV files) movies. So far, I have defined this field as ("3D MVC";"3D SBS";"3D OU" or nothing at all). A 2D movie has nothing in the [3D Info] field. My custom Theatherview movie views are:
- 2D Name, ordered alphabetically, 2D only and 3D MVC (shown as 2D on my non 3D capable displays). [3D Info] is not "3D OU" nor "3D SBS".
- 2D Recent, ordered by date of import, 2D only and 3D MVC (shown as 2D on my non 3D capable displays). [3D Info] is not "3D OU" nor "3D SBS".
- Français, a french language track is present for those movies
- 3D Name, ordered alphabetically, all 3D movies ([3D Info] starts with "3D")
- 3D Recent, ordered by date of import, all 3D movies ([3D Info] starts with "3D")
- 3D MVC, those are the highest quality 3D movies, direct BR rips using makemkv ([3D Info] is "3D MVC")
So I guess this answers your question. Yes you can !