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Author Topic: Help with MC22 3D playback  (Read 3483 times)


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Help with MC22 3D playback
« on: March 08, 2017, 08:06:00 am »

Hi Folks,

Hoping someone can help. Just fitted an nVidia 1050TI low profile card to my system so I can get native 3D playback via MC 22 and MadVR. Was previously using Intel HD graphics and Stereoscopic player.

Problem I now have is whenever I play an MP4 or MKV 2D file (all my MVC 3D files have the extension .mk3d) both my TV and Projector detects that 3D playback has started and switches into 3D mode. I've looked at the MadVR settings and tried disabling 3D playback and it still does it. Disabling the option Enable 3D Blu-ray and MKV 3D decoding still forces my displays into 3D mode.

Any ideas folks. Switching to RO Standard works OK i.e. plays 2D playback in 2D mode but I really want to use MadVR as the picture quality is far better.



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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2017, 11:42:19 pm »

The only way I found to fix this was to turn off 3D in Win10 Advanced Display settings. On the occasion that I want to play 3D, I go back there to activate it.

I think this was a recent change in either MC or NVidia drivers. Now, if it detects 1080p playback at 23 Hz, it automatically drops my TV or projector into 3D mode, even on 2D movies. (Unless I turn off 3D in Win10 Advanced Display Settings).

I meant to post about this, but kept forgetting; thanks for doing so.


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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2017, 01:11:11 am »

You might be able to overcome this by creating at least 2 profiles in MadVR, one for 2D and one for 3D under rendering ---> stereo 3d.

You'll then need to have the logic to detect 2D and 3D and switch between the 2 profiles.
I can't remember the logic off the top of my head but could get it from home computer.

Finally you'll need to have the right settings for each profile (2D and 3D).
I've uploaded what I think is the right settings for each.


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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2017, 01:34:10 am »

The only way I found to fix this was to turn off 3D in Win10 Advanced Display settings. On the occasion that I want to play 3D, I go back there to activate it.

madVR has options to turn that option on for you on 3D playback, and off again afterwards. Does that not work?
~ nevcairiel
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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 03:01:00 am »

madVR has options to t urn that option on for you on 3D playback, and off again afterwards. Does that not work?

No Hendrik, it doesn't. I will try reinstalling the nVidia drivers again and resetting madVR to defaults before I mess with creating custom profiles. I tried switching off the 3D option in Win 10 advanced settings but it still switches to 3D.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.



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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2017, 03:09:44 am »

I just tested on my HTPC and it still works as advertised. I have the 3D option in the Windows display settings off, and instructed madVR to turn it on when playing a 3D file (rendering -> stereo 3d), which it does, and it also turns it back off when I'm done playing.
I haven't changed any config for a long time, but I also don't use 3D playback much - but it still worked without touching anything. :)

I don't even have different profiles, you can just set the main config to enable 3D when 3D is played and disable 3D when playing 2D, at least that works for me.

The only difference is that I use Windows 8.1 on my HTPC, it didn't get to be upgraded yet since I don't see any advantages for something that basically only runs MC.
~ nevcairiel
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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2017, 03:54:20 am »


I removed the card and booted using the native Intel HD graphics. I then uninstalled these drivers, reinstalled the card and did a fresh install of the nVidia drivers using the clean install option. Reset madVR to defaults, switch native Windows to standard and BINGO all works as designed.

Maybe it was a conflict with the old Intel and nVidia drivers. Anyway, it works now and I can finally have subtitles with 3D movies. Stereoscopic player was poor here. Trying to watch Avatar without the forced subtitles is just weird.

Thanks guys.



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Re: Help with MC22 3D playback
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2017, 10:37:54 am »

I just tested on my HTPC and it still works as advertised. I have the 3D option in the Windows display settings off, and instructed madVR to turn it on when playing a 3D file (rendering -> stereo 3d), which it does, and it also turns it back off when I'm done playing.
I haven't changed any config for a long time, but I also don't use 3D playback much - but it still worked without touching anything. :)

I don't even have different profiles, you can just set the main config to enable 3D when 3D is played and disable 3D when playing 2D, at least that works for me.

The only difference is that I use Windows 8.1 on my HTPC, it didn't get to be upgraded yet since I don't see any advantages for something that basically only runs MC.

That's strange - I thought I needed to have 3D option in Windows turned on from way back in the early days of this feature. I shall turn this off then, and recheck my MadVR settings. Thanks for the pointer.
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