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Author Topic: A volume problem on a single album...  (Read 1161 times)


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A volume problem on a single album...
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:20:08 pm »

A while back I played the album "Don't Look Back" by Boston.

On the transition from the opening track "Don't Look Back" to the second track "The Journey" there is a noticeable difference in the volume on track change (it's a carryover note segue).

I tried manually adjusting R128 volumes to see if this fixed it and got no where.  So, I took the step of deleting the entire cd and re-ripping it as if it had never been there. 

I let Media Center analyze the audio and it played correctly.

Fast forward to today and the problem has returned with the same two songs.  This is the only instance I have had this happen (though "Dark Side of The Moon" had the problem once, but has not since).

Anyone have any ideas?  I don't want to keep re-ripping the cd. Have tried clearing the tag volumes out and re-analyzing to no avail.
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