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Author Topic: One specific webradio not working + dlna artwork problem  (Read 1243 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 75
One specific webradio not working + dlna artwork problem
« on: March 27, 2017, 11:56:18 am »

I can't get a webradio to work, most of them work, just not the one I listen the most.
I proceed normally (media url), but nothing happens, so I decided to log it, and that's the result :

4836266: 6984: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename:
4836266: 6984: Reader: CWinINetReader::Open: Start
4836266: 6984: Reader: CWinINetReader::Open: Opening
4836266: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::Thread: Start
4836266: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::Connect: Start
4836266: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::Connect: Finish (0 ms)
4836266: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Start
4836360: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Failed (header status code: 502)
4836360: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Finish (94 ms)
4836360: 7432: Reader: CWinINetReader::Thread: Finish (94 ms)
4836360: 6984: Reader: CWinINetReader::Open: ConnectToURL failed, m_bConnectError=true, URL=

On the same computer using the same url in MPC HC, no problems. Web players playing the same url, no problems either, but jriver does not like it.

HTTP code 502 refers to "bad gateway".
I tried a trace route to the IP address, no problems.


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 75
Re: One specific webradio not working
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2017, 06:10:31 pm »

Besides, for the radios that work (pull by Kazoo + Bubbleupnp server), cover art keeps getting reset everytime I play a stream. If I forced an artwork, which path is fine in the image tag, when I play the radio from kazoo, the tag changes to http://server_ip:52100/AArs/xnumberx.jpg, which results in a folder picture. I spent hours to find a way around, to no avail.
Nothing showing in the logs about that.
If I do a quick find in cover art directory it reverts to the right one, until next time I play it.

The stream data is also not being passed through the control point, bitrate, sample rate are all 0.
The log shows this :

CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename"></Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item><Item Name="AlbumSequentialWithLastTrack">0</Item><Item Name="SampleRate">0</Item><Item Name="VolumeReset">1</Item><Item Name="Channels">0</Item><Item Name="ErrorFreeMode">1</Item><Item Name="VolumePeakLevels"></Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">185824</Item><Item Name="VolumeTrackMaxSafeGain">-1</Item><Item Name="Bitrate">0</Item><Item Name="Bookmark"></Item><Item Name="BitDepth">0</Item><Item Name="LengthInPCMBlocks"></Item><Item Name="VolumeLeveling">-10</Item><Item Name="DSP"></Item><Item Name="FileType">mp3</Item><Item Name="UserInterfaceModeChangeEventHandle">00000240</Item></XMLFN>

Sample rate and bitrate are sent as "0", although they are correctly populated in the tags.
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