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Author Topic: Active crossover with MC?  (Read 3760 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Active crossover with MC?
« on: March 29, 2017, 02:09:54 pm »

Can an active crossover be done in MC? It seems like if it works, it could be far more powerful than anything else with all the DSP features it has.

What I'm thinking is a 4 way crossover with delays, FIR, and limiter/compressor on certain channels.



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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 05:05:56 pm »

You can definitely do that with MC, I'm doing 2 way active crossovers right now in a few different spots in my house and others have had success with three or four way setups as well.  The main pre-requisite (other than MC) is a multichannel output device (for a 4-way stereo setup you'd need an 8 output soundcard).  There are a number of pro-audio type interfaces available that folks have had good success with.  I use a Steinberg UR824, for example.  Another common choice is the Focusrite 18i20, but if you look around you'll see lots of other similar devices.

MC is by far the most flexible crossover I've ever had.  One nice thing is that you can easily tune on the fly while measuring, which saves a great deal of time.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2017, 07:19:01 am »

That's wonderful! Are there any guides on setting up active crossovers with JR?


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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2017, 07:54:42 pm »

That's wonderful! Are there any guides on setting up active crossovers with JR?

I was writing one a few years ago, but then I had a a child which has kept me busy since then.  You can find some info scattered around the fourm and wiki, but the very simple outline is that you need to set the output format for the number of channels you need, and then use the convolution and parametric equalizer modules to do your processing.  If you have specific questions do ask, there are a few of us here that run active crossovers and can advise.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2017, 08:05:59 pm »

My main concern is just the DSP workflow. For example, the compressor/limiter needs to be applied after everything else is done.

Also, I'll be creating a multi-band compressor by separating the bass into multiple bands assigned to different channels using crossovers, apply different compressor settings to them, and then summing them back together as one. So controlling the DSP flow is important.


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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2017, 08:47:09 pm »

My main concern is just the DSP workflow. For example, the compressor/limiter needs to be applied after everything else is done.

The Parametric EQ blocks apply each filter in the order you specify and each block supports an arbitrary number of filters.  There are even two blocks if you need to do PEQ, say, both before and after convolution.  So you should be able to just put the limiter filter last in the last PEQ block.  If you haven't tinkered with DSP studio, it might be hard to visualize, but you can drag things around in almost any order.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2017, 08:58:16 pm »

I actually edited my last response as you were typing yours haha.

I want to create a multi-band compressor by separating the bass into multiple bands assigned to different channels using crossovers, apply different compressor settings to them, and then summing them back together as one. Is there a way to add another parametric equalizer to DSP studio?

Actually I just realized there is no compressor in DSP studio, only a limiter. Can VST plugins be used on specific channels?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2017, 09:37:11 pm »

To make it easier, let me write what kind of a DSP workflow I want. I need around 16 channels, but the output will only be 8 channels because some channels will be summed together to form the final output channels.

1. Input
2. Parametric EQ
3. FIR
4. Crossover for each driver
5. Parametric EQ for each driver
6. FIR for each driver
7. Different level adjustments on each driver
8. Different delay on certain channels
9. Crossover to separate bands for multi-band limiter
10. Apply different limiter settings to each band
11. Sum these channels from 9 back to one

It seems I can do everything except the multi-band limiter and 2 FIRs. I can get away with just 1 FIR, but I need the multi-band limiter. I'd like a compressor as well.

I wish I can apply different DSP settings to each channel, not just the filters in parametric EQ, and add as many copies of those plugins as I want.

EDIT: Might be able to do the multi-band compressor stuff by a suitable VST plugin by processing the input first before doing all the crossover stuff. Still wish I can apply different DSP settings to each channel. This is just a workaround.


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Re: Active crossover with MC?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2017, 02:04:46 am »

steps 2-9 can be collapsed into a single path in the convolver per channel (input into the limiter) then a PEQ block for the last 2 (assuming you're using the jriver limiter) or a VST then a PEQ block (if you're not)
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