Thanks for the link, my thoughts.
The review was way too harsh, but there is some truth in everything they say.
v9.0 is buggy, and development has stopped on v9.0 and is now concentrating on 9.1 and a huge interface change. I do fear that when 9.1 is released, that it too, will be buggy and will never be fixed before the next 9.2 is started. The details matter.
I have set up a friend with MC, she likes it, but could never use it without my help. She had trouble just paying for the program and regestering her copy (we got it done). To succeed in the market place, novices must be able to figure things out, I don't think they can.
I work in software develpoment, I am a senior developer myself. I handle the details, I get them right, and I have a reputation at my company for quality. I wish MC had that reputation, but from the CNET article, they don't, and that article will hurt their sales, which is too bad, since I want MC to succeed and to succeed that takes a constant revenue stream from sales. and bad reviews don't help that. If I had read that review before actually using MC, I would NEVER have even downloaded it. There must be many people who will read that article and never try MC. We all lose, MC loses, and the rest of the users lose too.
I hope JRiver takes this as a wake up call. The details matter, stability matters, reviews matter.
So maybe, can we get the cd burner in v9.0 fixed so I can re-arrange the burn order.... How about the non-standard scroll bars in 9.0? (they are right in 9.1). Windows people expect programs to follow Windows standards, 9.0 does not.
I know the developers have the talent, I think they don't have the time to finish things, before they go on to the next huge interface change.
I remember dbase4 when it was released. It got horrible reviews, it crashed and hogged memory. Foxpro was waiting in the wings and took significant market share. Has anyone seen dbase for sale lately? dbase was the market leader, now they don't exist.
I really really like MC and have never found anything as useful to me, warts and all. It takes a commitment to switch from cd players to a computer based system. The program needs to be easier to use, and more stable to convince the average person to do it. Useful and accurate help would go a long way towards helping novices. There are features in MC that I still don't understand, and I've read the help and I work in IT.
Has anyone tried Adobe PhotoAlbum? I have, and I deleted it already. I use ThumbsPlus for my photo collection. It is miles better than MC and Adobe PhotoAlbum. Adobe PhotoAlbum tried to make things way too easy that I can't use it, THEY GOT RID OF THE TREE! Something to think about.