Hello everyone,
I'm in love with MC, it so powerful and I can figure out all the work behind the interface. It's true, it's complicated to reach the perfect setup for our needs. But there is always a way to achieve our goal. For this ultimate goal, I may need help from you guys. I want to swithch between RO and ROHD in function of a file. There is no way to achieve that yet? Right? As, I'm having some video rotated(Not planning to bring them back to the right angle) and becaue madVR doesn't support well playback for them, I would like to switch to standard output on those.
I thought that changing the setting automatically through the registry might work. I've set a plug-In that allow me to run some command while playback file is changing. However, I wasn't able to find the appropriate registry for using RO instead or ROHQ. Anyone knows where the switch key is stored on MC?
Strange question, I admit.