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Author Topic: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music  (Read 2891 times)


  • World Citizen
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seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« on: April 06, 2017, 05:37:11 am »


Let's say I have the CD " ABC" from the band "DEF" in DSD, standard FLAC and FLAC-HD qualities.
The tags ( bandname, album name, tracks) for all CD's are the same.
Today I distinguish the qualities with the "file Type" tag. DSD and FLAC is easy. But for FLAC and FLAC-HD it doesn't work.
Any hint how do I seperate FLAC and FLAC-HD?



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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2017, 05:45:43 am »

i did it with bitrate and/or samplerate


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2017, 05:50:41 am »

You can alter your views so that they group by expressions.  Like [Album]-[sample rate] for example.  This works, but I find it to be clunky; mostly when you use JRemote.

So instead, I like to actually change the [Album] tag to include some identifying information.  Usually the sample rate or bit depth or both.  Like "Rumours 24/192" for example.



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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2017, 06:14:37 am »

Thanks for the answers. But if possible I want to keep the tags as simple as possible.
If the picture upload works you will see an exanple.
Artist "norah jons"
Album " come away with me"
in the track list you can see file type " DSD" and "FLAC"

From my pont of view the album is named "come away with me" and not "come away with me - DSD"
I would like to leave the tags " clean". MC has to do the job seperating the qualities....
seperating DSD and FLAC is simple -> " file type"
But how do I seperate FLAC-HD and FLAC automaticly?
regarding the picture: how do I ad after "DSD" and "FLAC" FLAC-HD as a third file type.
I hope I could make it clear now ;-)


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2017, 06:27:39 am »

you can't.  FLAC-HD isn't a file type

try sorting by bit-depth (Bittiefe).  "FLAC HD" should be greater than 16

I have made my own custom tag "HD" that I use to sort with. 


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2017, 11:02:45 am »

you can't.  FLAC-HD isn't a file type
Ok, thanks
Isn't it possible to implement a smart file type output?

if  "file type" = "FLAC" and "bit-depth" is greater than 16 bit, than output " FLAC-HD"

If not, is it possible to build some thing like this with a custom tag?


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2017, 05:11:35 pm »

Ok, what you want is possible, as I said previously.  But note that it's not going to be the same in JRemote.  You'll have to alter views there too if you use JRemote.  Further, realize that when you do searches in JRemote, all copies of the album or song you are searching for will show up together, because they all have the same album name.  So, if you have 3 different resolutions of "Come Away With Me", you're doing to see 3 copies of every song when you do a search.

If you are still interested, Ferday or I can explain to you how to do it.  It's essentially altering your Album and/or Artist views to group by an expression instead of a field. 



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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2017, 02:11:30 am »

Ok, what you want is possible, as I said previously.  ....
If you are still interested, Ferday or I can explain to you how to do it.  It's essentially altering your Album and/or Artist views to group by an expression instead of a field. 


Hallo Brian

You can't have everything. I choose simple tags ;-)
So please go ahead. How do I setup this "FLAC-HD" tag?

Thank you


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2017, 03:19:30 am »

as i'm assuming you use German based on your screenshots, Deutsch ins ()

Tools>Options>Library & Folders (Extras > Optionen > Bibliothek & Importieren)
Manage Library Fields... (Bibliotheksfelder verwalten...)
Add New Field  (Neues Feld)

give your new tag a title (i call mine "Resolution"), and choose
DataType: String  (Datenformat: Zeichenfolge)
Relational: Store one value for each Album   (Verbindung: Speichert einen Wert fur jedes Album)

check the button Calculated Data ("Berechnete Daten").  In the box labelled Expression (Ausdruck), copypasta this:

Code: [Select]
ifelse(isequal([Bit Depth],16,4),[File Type] - CD, isequal([Bit Depth],16,5),[File Type] - HD)
now you have a tag, that will say FLAC-CD for CD quality, and FLAC-HD for higher quality.  you can make it say anything you want, or change colour or whatever.  In any view, you can sort using this option instead of [File Type] ([Dateitypen])

we are all allowed (of course) to do whatever we want with our own collections, but i have to say it's completely silly to not leverage the power of metadata in a digital collection.  make all the tags you could ever use and you'll be happier for it.


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2017, 09:00:08 am »

as i'm assuming you use German based on your screenshots, Deutsch ins ()
we are all allowed (of course) to do whatever we want with our own collections, but i have to say it's completely silly to not leverage the power of metadata in a digital collection.  make all the tags you could ever use and you'll be happier for it.

THANK you!!
I ripped sooo many CD's and I wannted to have a better clarity within my database views.
For example I had: " Live - CD1" and " Live - CD2"
Today I have just " Live" and one DB view level lower Disc "1" and "2" sorted by the " disc" tag
With the qualitys I would like to have it ala:
until today I had "come away with me" and "come away with me-HD"
Now I have "come away with me" and one DB view level lower "CD" and "HD" sorted by the new tag.

But... is it possible to integrate in that custom tag every non FLAG file type also?
So, from your formula " CD" and "HD" and then the others: DSD, DSF, MP3, ...
that would be perfect


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2017, 09:46:53 am »

Of course.  You can do a lot of things, maybe even surprise yourself

Show us what you tried first, and We will happily help you make it work.  It all comes from the basic formula ifelse()



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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2017, 11:37:50 am »

Of course.  You can do a lot of things, maybe even surprise yourself

Show us what you tried first, and We will happily help you make it work.  It all comes from the basic formula ifelse()
good point ;-)
I use:
ifelse(isequal([Bit Depth],1,4),[File Type], isequal([Bit Depth],16,4),[File Type] - CD, isequal([Bit Depth],16,5),[File Type] - HD)

It works but I am not sure if this correct..


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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2017, 10:31:02 pm »

well, what are you trying to do?  if it works, then it's correct :)

i use a smartlist to calculate average bitrate for mp3 files [quality], then i use the following to get my extension

Code: [Select]
ifelse(isequal([quality],Unassigned),FIX, isequal([channels],2,5),multichannel, isequal([Bit Depth],16,5),HD, isrange([quality],1-99),REPLACE, isrange([quality],100-139),ipod,isrange([quality],140-169),v3, isrange([quality],170-199),v2,isrange([quality],200-239),v1, isrange([quality],240-299),v0, isrange([quality],300-450),320, 1,CD)
i don't use DSD but it's the same concept, you could have DSD-2X or DSD-4X or whatever.


  • World Citizen
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Re: seperate different qualitys from one peace of music
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2017, 03:26:07 pm »

Inspired by the MusicBrainz tagging system, I created custom tags in JRiver for Catalog, Label, ReleaseYear, ReleaseCountry, Media, Mix, and DiscSubtitle.

Results in theater view:,106984.msg743407.html#msg743407
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