I have been using NAS as storage for my music (9TB). Last week I backed up this database to an external HDD (12 TB). Since now I want to use the music database from the HDD instead of my NAS, I restored the library that points to my NAS and use the move library function in Library Tools to replace the location of my music database.
Everything went well and I can use the library to play AIFF, FLAC, etc files from my HDD. However I keep getting an error "something went wrong" when trying to play SACD iso files on my HDD database. When I switch to the NAS library everything is well.
I tried different ways to get the SACD iso files on my HDD to work with MC 22 (with the latest update). Finally I realize if I delete the SACD album from the library and re-import the album again from the HDD location, it works again.
This is very not ideal as many of my SACDs have not been encoded with album titles and track names and I have painstakingly filled in these data to each of these SACD iso files. When I delete the album from the library and re-import, these data are lost.
Is there a bug here? What is the problem?