I'm an happy registered user of JRiver Mediacenter for years.
I've got a problem with the Windows version. This problem concerns versions 20, 21 and 22.
All my files are store on my Synology Nas. The MediaCenter library is store locally, on my ssd.
I can't play videos correctly in JRiver, Mediacenter can launch the video, but it hangs if I try to move the window, to clik on Next or Stop button, etc...
I have no problem to play those file with VLC on the same computer.
Playing video is not the main use of Mediacenter for me so it's not a no-go, but it's painful

Edit : After this post, I activated material acceleration in options and changed parameters for JRiver in Nvidia control panel and it seems to be good. No lag. I will try it more during next weed !