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Author Topic: MC Playback Stops  (Read 2494 times)


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MC Playback Stops
« on: May 24, 2017, 11:15:52 pm »


I've been looking thru the forums for others with my exact problem (particularly "Weird and wonderful") but don't know if "crashes" equates to what I've been seeing.

During audio playback (either from the computer MC resides on or my iPhone) the playback of an album will just stop after a track...anyone's guess as to which one. On the computer, if the signal was being sent to my receiver, the playback zone will revert to the computer (and the album listing will disappear from the Overview heading for the receiver).

This interruption seems more likely to occur when I'm running another application (usually a browser) but I wouldn't swear to it. Casting an album file to the receiver with Windows 10 is never interrupted.

Crashing, per se, doesn't occur...I can move around in MC and restart or otherwise use the program.

This has happened since installation several months ago. I see that antivirus has come up as an issue in general for crashes...I have Norton 360; I'll uninstall it if this is likely to fix the problem.

If this is perhaps related, when my computer is in sleep mode and my remote app asks it to Wake Up, nothing happens.

Sorry so long winded... Thanks


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Re: MC Playback Stops
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2017, 05:55:58 am »

It sounds like you are playing exclusively using networked devices.  That is, you are never playing to sound cards or dacs that are directly attached to your computer.

If that's the case, I suspect that your network quality is variable and thus the stream is getting interrupted.  Are you using wireless everywhere?  You might try running a long network cable to your receiver *and* your computer to eliminate wireless as a possible problem.

Good luck.



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Re: MC Playback Stops
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2017, 03:37:40 pm »

Thanks for the input Brian.

My computer and receiver are both linked to my home network thru Homeplug AV2 Ethernet connections, which has seemed to work well in other uses. When I try my iPhone that is thru my wireless router.

I'll try tinkering with Norton and see if it makes any difference...


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Re: MC Playback Stops
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2017, 03:26:20 am »

My situation is slightly different.  The computer is attached to a DAC with a USB cable.  If I prepare a playlist of say 30 tracks, during (any) one of them, the playback will stop and the progress bar across the top stops.  If I click STOP and PLAY, it starts at the beginning of that track

JRiver is set to play from memory, "loaded decoded file from memory"

The PC is an ACER laptop running Windows 10, the music is on a USB3 external drive.  The laptop is an i5 and has 8Gb of RAM.  Nothing running in the background

Any suggestions please?
If music be the food of love, play on
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