Please read VERY carefully. This is a BETA version of 9.1. If you expect things to work, please download the latest 9.0 build from this thread:;action=di splay;num=1054751628 but if you're patient and willing to help us work out some of the bugs, you can download 9.1 here (recommended for experts only): (backup your library before installing)
Please report any 9.1 problems in this thread. Keep a list of problems and if they aren't fixed in the next build, please post the list again.
1. Fixed: Grouping of non list-type view schemes didn't work.
2. Fixed: Starting the line-in recorder could take a long time. (especially with a large library)
3. Fixed: Media Center was not removing all uninstall entries.
4. Fixed: After clean install, Media Center main window would not be visible.
5. Fixed: Down arrow in properties was not pained correctly after resizing.
6. Fixed: Keyword TRACKINFO_INSERT_YEAR was not returning a value for track info templates.
7. Fixed: Search control was incorrectly painting first letter of search string.
8. Fixed: Clicking underneath the position slider would causes the player window info to swap.
9. Changed: Library Tools menu now context sensitive based on media type.
10. Changed: "Cover Art" menu changed to "Image" -- now more context sensitive.
11. Changed: Changing list styles would reset the browsing location in the panes.
12. Fixed: Changing a pane wouldn't always reset the selection of panes to the right.
13. Changed: Most menu text and all keyboard accelerators now located in external XML file. (Data\Default Resources)
14. Fixed: Playlist exporting would not properly handle playlist names with invalid filesystem characters.
15. NEW: Added navigation buttons to location bar.
16. Fixed: Resizing of toolbars and text, in location bar, was not working correctly.
17. Fixed: System tray menu would not always be on top of the start menu.
18. Fixed: MC would become visible before it was fully loaded.
19. Fixed: Library pane headers / pane menus didn't use field's customized display name.
20. Fixed: MC would not gracefully handle the removal of all browser columns.
21. Fixed: Media Center was submiting incorrect track name information to YADB.
22. NEW: Added location bar to web page views.
23. Fixed: MC secure rip mode now handles CD drives with large read caches.
24. Changed: MC history (forward / back) now works consistently in internal webpages too.