1. Tools...Options...File Naming & Location
2. Look at the bottom for the two comboboxes.
3. In the Directory Rule combobox, select the directory structure you want MC to use (if at all)...of course, since it's a combobox, you can enter anything you wish here, as long as what you enter is a field (either default or user-defined) in MC (enter the field's display name, i.e. how it's displayed in a column (the text displayed).
4. Most people, I assume, including myself, use the Album/Artist Directory Rule so that when you rename files imported (like the .wma files you've imported), or when you rip tracks from a CD, MC will automatically create a folder with the artist's name, and within that artist folder, MC will create a folder with the name of the album.
5. In the Filename Rule combobox, either select from the pre-defined options, or create your own. Your best bet is to use the [Artist] - [Album] - [Track #] - [Name] filenaming scheme, but as I said, feel free to create your own. If you choose to create your own, just know that you must enter the field's display value between square brackets (e.g. [Some Media Center Field Name]. NOTE: The file name scheme you choose/specify should match the way that the .wma files are named that you are trying to correct the tag info for. In other words, if the .wma files are named with the following scheme:
01 - Track Name.wma, then you need to setup your Filename Rule to be [Track #] - [Name]
6. Don't forget, in case you haven't already done this, in that same File Naming & Location section, to select the default folder that MC is to use to store your newly ripped/imported tracks...it's in the Base Path: section, just under Output File Location...
7. Once all that's done, go back to MCs main view and find the .wma files you imported.
8. Select all of them, then right-click on any one of the selected files. Choose Library Tools..., then Fill Properties From Filename. This will take the file name information and import it, based on the Filename Rule you've already established, into the appropriate tag fields for each selected file.
Hope this helps...