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Author Topic: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times  (Read 2605 times)


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Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« on: June 15, 2017, 12:49:31 am »

Hey all, new to JR, so far i am loving it!

I have a question that is probably so simple its complicated, and i can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

I am the audio man for several local sports teams, and i get a lot of stuff from you tube, then just change start/stop times so I have the soundbite I want out of it.

This was probably the ONLY thing i liked about itunes, that it was very simple to do this.

I am assuming we can easily do that here?  At least i hope so!  Please, anyone clue me in on how to do it?



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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2017, 05:48:10 am »

Open the Tagging Window (Edit > Tag).  Display all tags by clicking the upper left hand "gear menu" and selecting show all tags.  Scroll down and find [Playback Range] .  In this field, fill in values for start and stop that look like:

0:25 - 1:33

Obviously, use your own numbers.



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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2017, 12:47:15 am »

Open the Tagging Window (Edit > Tag).  Display all tags by clicking the upper left hand "gear menu" and selecting show all tags.  Scroll down and find [Playback Range] .  In this field, fill in values for start and stop that look like:

0:25 - 1:33

Obviously, use your own numbers.


Wow, thank man!  That's GREAT to know...for the future.  Unfortunately, u know in the meantime how i completed this task?  Used the media editor and basically cut everything that way, which sucked with as many files that i did that with.  Hey, at least I know how to run that feature, right?  lol

Man, still learning all this like crazy. I have to admit the whole tagging this is still foreign to me at this point.  Is that how i could  best separate playlists as well? I usually like to keep 80's in a list, 90's, oldies, etc etc etc.

That and it still hangs, times out, and doesn't respond, which forces a shutdown.  Entire media gets bigger for a sec with a big hourglass, then after a big either works or says not responding.  Each time i restart MC if the computer is off, i get this message with like 3 statement saying along the lines of MC not working or similar (can snap a pic next time i see it if you wish.  Weird thing is, when i open it up it appear just fine.  However, if i ever click on the desktop icon, it always tries to extract and download a new version instead of the current?  Odd?

For those minor things, i still love the program and want to stick with it.  I will say i am running off a crappy walmart laptop (hp-16f272wm, and although i still have plenty of space, i think the crappy pentium holds it back?  I got like a 1350 when i did that one test. I have looked at the wiki reason that might be happening, i don't appear to have any of those? Still people are using 2gb for memory, raspberry pi's and other smaller setups and need to have no issues;  CLeaned drive, cache, fragment, all the tools.  Nothing seems to work, so i wonder if its a laptop issues or MC issues?

Also, duplicate finder seems to suck for me.  I have like 1000 dupes and i think any time i run that feature it finds like 8 of em. lol  Problem came because if u put a song in 3 or 3 different playlists, that means u r gonna have that many.  Then groove seems like an option, but found out pay so nope!  songs did sound good on there tho. Wasn't gonna pay every month tho so just moved over to windows media, who actually does an OK job. So these transitions led to extra copies.  Have about 1200 songs, bug i think i got up to about 20k.  Tried a  bunch of those dupfile deleter program, but those didn't work that well either, or download then they tell u they need money now.

I have download a bunch of mp3 from you tube too, so it seems like every darn album cover, and even quite a few artists name are messed up.  I think like 250 songs use the same acdc cover!  wtf?  so yeah, just files all over the place with inaccurate info, don't even know how to clean up that mess?

Still minor issues, except the not responding and having to be shut down a lot.  My JR number was like 1350, which isn't that bad.  So why all the issues, don't get that either.

But, i love the program, and if i can figure some of this stuff out i will definitely stay a customer.  Not sure why its touted for better audio tho, sounds the same to everything else to me.  Oh, which i guess does lead me to 1 more, quite a few things play really really soft. I tried volume equalizer thing to match, bit all that did was make everything sound way to soft as well.

I really appreciate you being the ONE purpose that came to my rescue, greatly appreciated!  Bout a week in and I am still in "huh, how the heck u do that" mode.  Weird how the interface is so simple, but it also can get way too complicated for this guy to understand as well.

Still learning obviously, but am very glad to chose to take your time and help me out.  VERY APPRECIATED, THANK YOU!!!


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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2017, 01:10:02 am »

Oh, what started all this my pc was on its last leg so i wanted to get music off there.  So put in on flash drive, didn't move it either, just copied.  For some reason, a bunch were lost after that.  So installed on laptop still were messed, so i decided to look to get away from apple crap. That's when i started looking elsewhere.

To add one more odd thing to end this, after that, about 75% of all my files, apple can't find em, so i put em in the right direction and they are suppose to find them all from there.  YEAH RIGHT.  I have to go song by song....ain't happening.

One last one, so i turned all my files on here to FLAC, but i know what you can't really take a file like that and bring it back to lossless, correct?  SO even tho they list bitrate now around 1400, u can go to spek where it's still revealed that you file is the same crappy one it always was.  This is what shady downloader try to pull, why here?  Maybe their is some other benefits to do that?

Anyways, so sorry this was long, and if ANYONE can help me crack away at my small list to help get me fully functional, esp the stick and crashing stuff,  i would love you forever.



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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2017, 08:18:18 am »

I'm having a hard time figuring out what questions you are asking.  You've provided a lot of information, so it's a bit confusing to try to wade through all of it.

The hangs and crashes could be caused by bad files, as MC is trying to auto import them.  You could turn off auto import as a test.  Or you could enable logging and then gather logs after the crash.  Maybe try turning off auto import first:

Tools > Options > library & folders > run auto import in background > (uncheck)

Good luck.



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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 05:27:44 pm »

Sorry, wrong post to respond on.  To this one, don't worry about it, i got it all figured out.

One thing i would like to recommend for a future MC feature, when it comes to adjusting start stop times of a song.

It is kind of a hassle and tedious process to do that in media editor.  I like what itunes does, it simply gives you a checkbox saying you want to adjust it, then you enter the times you want to start or stop.

That is WAAAAAAY easier and takes up less time that having to do it in the editor.



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Re: Help a newby - Changing music stop/start times
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2017, 07:28:07 pm »

One last one, so i turned all my files on here to FLAC, but i know what you can't really take a file like that and bring it back to lossless, correct?  <snip>  Maybe their is some other benefits to do that?

Correct. You can't make a lossless file from a lossy file, which is probably what a YouTube download is.

One real benefit of using FLAC though is that all tags are stored in the file, as well as in the MC Library. So if you copy that file to some other system, it will have its tags with it, which means no rework to sort all the files again, just use the information in the tags. Of course most audio files can store all or most tags, except WAV files, so just don't use them.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner
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