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Author Topic: Playlist Creation - Backslash versus Forward Slash - UNC versus Drive Letter  (Read 1855 times)


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Hi -

My previous post garnered no replies so I am trying again after spending the weekend (way to many hours) working with playlists in MC 22 and the FiiO X5 III.

1.  I finally figured out that I need to create the playlist (using JRiver Media Center) by grabbing the songs from the X5 III device rather than my network location.  That way the playlist grabs the path with the correct SD card location on the device.
2.  Export the playlist
3.  Changing the drive letter to \mnt\external_sd1 or \mnt\external_sd2 as the case may be.
4.  Changing the back slash \ to a forward /

Unfortunately that means I can't simply create playlists in MC, drop them into the X5 and then sync them when I want to make changes in their order.

Unless I am missing something.

Forum ... am I missing something?

Now my request -

1.  Can MC have in its playlist making tools the ability to set my export to export the path with a forward slash?
2.  Can MC have a default option to export with a predefined prefix.  Example, instead of a drive letter I would path the export with the UNC to the device as an example -

/mnt/external_sd1/Music SD1/Peter Gabriel/Peter Gabriel 1/Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel 1 - 04 - Excuse Me.flac

That way a user can avoid using Notebook to do global find and replaces.

Again ... unless I'm missing something about how to use MC for creating playlists.

Any helpful comments would be appreciated.




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You've probably tried Relative Paths, versus absolute paths?

I'm a unix guy, so I frequently default to scripting in situations like this.  I'm pretty sure you can automate the path changes and \ to / changes.  I would do it with Shell and SED, or maybe Perl.  There also might be text processing GUI tools for Windows that you could leverage for this purpose.  Just some thoughts.

It would be nice if MC was more feature complete in this respect.  But you might investigate other automation solutions in the mean time.  Just an idea.

Good luck.



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Thanks for the reply.

My desire is to keep my music listening as simple as possible but still have a bit of fun with some of the features of MC and of course whatever DAP I own. 

Consequently I didn't want to get into second, third and fourth party applications to further align the parameters to the DAP.  Thus I returned the DAP. 

I revisited my "portabliity" needs and concluded I don't need to be "riding the bike" kind of portable - thus I will use my laptop, MC, get a moderately budgeted DAC/AMP like - - use them with my - - headphones or my recently purchased great sounding portable speaker - - and finally when the mood strikes - fire up the Marantz and the B&W speakers and enjoy music the old fashion way which isn't portable of course but I have been remiss in not using it more often.

Boys and their toys and all that.

Yeah its not the greatest audiophile set up but with a budget to contend with it serves me well.

I concur it would be nice to have some more playlist feature rich capabilities in MC.  I have also discovered being new to the DAP and the audiophile world that the applications on DAPs are a bit on the weak side.

So I am reeducating myself on MC and its functions which I have seriously underused.  And if I really need super portability, the Fugoo with one of my old DAPs will suffice.

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