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Author Topic: MC23 NAS Synology and Mounting of Drives  (Read 2086 times)

Paul S.A. Renaud

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MC23 NAS Synology and Mounting of Drives
« on: July 18, 2017, 04:08:25 am »

Two things changed. I moved to MC23 for MAC from MC22 and I changed my QNAP NAS to a Synology. I do not know whether the following is a result of one of the two and/or both and/or neither of them. Normally I play my music/video from a DAS and that works fine. I also have a copy of all media files (and more) on a NAS. I use a separate JRiver Library for playing from the NAS. The following problem is occurring: Filling the library is fine and all data is in the Library Files and JRiver plays fine. However, when relaunching this Library File or a restart of JRiver, however, all file names in the Library File are gone and thus JRiver can not find the files and does not play anything. I have to re-import all files into the Library. What is wrong? Location of the files on the NAS has not changed.
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