I'm evaluating MediaCentre at the moment (version 23).
I'm struggling with one thing. I have a collection of ripped tv shows, in the format of:
show name\show name - s01e01.ext
for example. However, when i view the show on my TV (Samsung KS7000) in the inbuilt dlna client, all I get under the thumbnail is the actual episode title, rather than its episode number. How do I get it to show the episode number instead (or in addition to the episode title)? I didn't rip them in disk order either, and it appears to sort them by file date descending by default, so its rather confusing.
I've looked in tools - options - media network - advanced - customize views for .... but I don't seem to be able to get it to sort by filename or show the episode number. It seems to just ignore anything I change.
Any ideas? The metadata appears to be ok.