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Author Topic: Music slows down and sounds blotchy only when scrolling through artists, etc  (Read 3197 times)


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I've been using JRiver now since MC18 without any issues and am now on MC23 (as of a few days ago).  Up until this point, everything has been great until I bought a new Onkyo P-3000R preamplifier that has all the digital inputs and DAC built into it.  They also use proprietary drivers for it from their website.  Before that, I was using a Carver C-1 preamp with an inline USB DAC without this issue.  Listening to music sounds scroll from the MC on the computer to find something else to listen to while one is playing.  The music literally slows down and you hear all sorts of splotchy sounds that are hard to describe.  But once you quit scrolling, it's back to normal. 

Now, the really weird part also does this when I'm using the Gizmo app to scroll through things on my Galaxy S7.  The faster you scroll, the more it slows down and sounds awful...from either the PC or the phone controlling it.  I've checked task manager and it does use more resources when you're doing this but it has never done this prior to just basically changing out a preamp and going to new drivers that are designed to work with the preamp.  I've even tried another USB port to see if it's still there and it is.

So where do I go from here?  My PC is a Dell 960 SFF Intel C2 Duo E8400 3.0GHz with 8gb memory and a 120gb SSD.  The music is kept on a Synology DS216J (4TB RAID 1) tied in via 1gb connection.  I can't think that the computer would all of a sudden be the cause of it when it worked fine before changing preamps.  (no, I'm not going to return the preamp..ha)  Well, other than the driver.

It would be one thing if it did it only on the PC and not the phone; but it does it on both.  Anyone ever heard of this or had experience with it?


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Probably a driver problem.  How is audio set up in MC?  What are you playing?


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I've tried it using either WASAPI or ASIO driver with same results, if that's what you're referring to. 


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But in the Onkyo driver properties, it does show ASIO so that's been my pick.


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Try DirectSound. 

Check with Onkyo. 

Uninstall the driver to see if it plays without it.  ASIO shouldn't but the others should.

You could also try rebooting, and reinstalling the driver.

What are you playing?


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You asked what I was playing.  All I'm playing is 2 channel FLAC files stored on the Synology and played through the Dell 960.  No movies, no surround, no SACD, etc.....just CD's stored on my NAS.

So you're saying that just the simple task of scrolling to find another song, even from Gizmo which is not even attached to the computer, would cause the music to change that drastically just because of an audio driver change?


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I suspect that your library's thumbnails are not fully built.

Help > System Info > Processing > Thumbnails built > (look here)

If you only have a small percentage built (as I suspect) you should build the rest:

Tools > Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Build Missing Thumbnails

This might take several hours if you have a large collection.  You should probably just let it run overnight or something.

This might not be the problem, but it's worth checking.



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Looks like it's just JRiver 23 that does it.  Went back to version 22 and it's fine.


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Spoke too soon.  Does it with version 22 as well.  I guess JRiver doesn't like the Onkyo drivers for ASIO and WASAPI.....just Direct Sound.  What am I losing going with the Direct Sound?  What is that actually?


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Please also check your thumbnails as I suggested above.



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Did the thumbnail check the other day and it was at 60%.  At 99% now so building the remaining group.  Won't be able to listen to it until lunch time if I go home or maybe after 5pm and will report back.

So this will cause that erratic sound?  Almost hard to describe; it even does it when I'm using Gizmo on my phone to scroll through Artists, Albums, etc., as well as computer.  It literally slows down the music.  Weird.


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The number of issues with WASAPI is increasing, windows messed that one up.  Are you on creators update?
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