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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 23.0.45 -- Available Here  (Read 3833 times)


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JRiver Media Center 23.0.45 -- Available Here
« on: August 31, 2017, 01:04:08 pm »

This is an early build of JRiver Media Center 23.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


23.0.45 (8/29/2017)

1. Changed: When Media Center pops out of the tray to play a video (new feature) it'll now return to the tray after the video is stopped.
2. Changed: The reshuffle remaining command disables when there's less than two tracks in Playing Now.
3. Changed: Panel replaces the old WebGizmo interface.

23.0.44 (8/29/2017)

1. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added radio buttons and play doctor search.
2. Fixed: Web Gizmo - Mobile view playback controls.
3. Fixed: Enabling the WDM driver from a normal user account could result in it being removed again when MC was updated.
4. Changed: Made searching on an expression work with greater than and less than signs to treat it as a number (that makes a search like [=ListCount([Artist])]=>1 work).
5. Changed: Web Gizmo - Simplified interface by removing the sidebar and adding navigation links.

23.0.43 (8/28/2017)

1. Fixed: Picking multiple files with different ratings would clear the rating field in the new tag window.
2. Fixed: Possible rare crash from the tab control code.
3. Changed: Updated the Korean translation (thanks Junghwan).
4. NEW: Added a Slovenian translation (thanks Lorem Ipsum).
5. Changed: When starting playback to a Media Server running in the tray, it will jump to display view if it's a video.
6. Fixed: Typed navigation was not working in pane views on Windows.

23.0.42 (8/25/2017)

1. NEW: Ratings show as lists of clickable stars in the new tag window instead of as a number.
2. Changed: Lyrics and other large value type edit fields will show up to 6 lines in the new tag window instead of only one line.
3. Fixed: Mouse wheeling over a large text edit control in the new tag window would stop the editing instead of scrolling.
4. Changed: Clicking the close button on the new tag window will stop any open editing instead of closing the window.
5. NEW: Web Gizmo - Playing now page on mobile has complete playback controls.

23.0.41 (8/23/2017)

1. Changed: The zone switch menu appears when you right-click DLNA zones.
2. Changed: Files that get linked now contain a "Link Start" field value that's the first file in the link.  This allows you to easily see if a file is linked or not (since the "Link" field is empty on the last file).
3. Changed: When starting playback of linked tracks, the first file in the link set is always started (if the link was newly created so has the Link Start set).
4. Changed: Clicking a large edit box will no longer select all (instead the selection will be at the start).
5. NEW: Web Gizmo - Progress bar now shows buffered portions of the media.
6. NEW: Web Gizmo - Fullscreen mode for images along with previous & next controls.

23.0.40 (8/22/2017)

1. Changed: Added the video option "Stop after a long pause" to make the new behavior optional (defaults to on).
2. Changed: Italian translation updated (thanks Matteo).
3. Fixed: Added another little check to the suggestion code because we got a crash dump pointing to it.

23.0.39 (8/21/2017)

1. NEW: The new tag window has the ability to show all fields with values (just add the type "Fields With Values" in the edit dialog).
2. Changed: Italian translation updated (thanks Matteo).
3. Changed: Dutch translation updated (thanks Patrick van d​er Loo).
4. Changed: Japanese translation updated (thanks Kazuo Tsuchiya).
5. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
6. Changed: The player defaults to the new tag window, but you can still open the old tag window by holding shift down.
7. NEW: Added the expression function IsDigit to test a string for digits (and decimals).

23.0.38 (8/18/2017)

1. Fixed: "Get Movie & TV Info" properly handles Unicode sequences in the TheTVDB result.
2. NEW: "Get Movie & TV Info" now offers a language choice for metadata lookup (currently available with TheTVDB and TheMovieDB).
3. Changed: Web Gizmo - Added tree browsing optimizations which limit the number of requests.
4. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added currently playing name and artist information to playback bar.
5. Fixed: Web Gizmo - Search bar was not updating results on change.
6. Changed: Back to the old tag window being default. A few bugs to fix in the new one before it's fully ready.  The new one can still be selected with the Shift key when clicking the 'Tag' action window.
7. Changed: 'Test' button on PlayPower action editing dialogs to test the operation of your newly created (or existing) Engen, IR blast, etc. actions.

23.0.37 (8/16/2017)

1. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added search, playing now file list, and file list view when browsing.

23.0.36 (8/15/2017)

1. NEW: Web Gizmo - Input added for selecting zone playback, new button for playing all files in current view.
2. Fixed: Crash when VST audio plugins are enabled and loaded (e.g. playback, configuring DSP, etc.).  Builds 32 through 35 were affected.
3. Fixed: Several bug fixes in the PlayPower configuration dialog.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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exiting theater view is very slow
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2017, 01:25:01 pm »

exiting theater view is very slow, sometimes crashes. it seems to hang for about 10 to 30 seconds, have version 23, 22 did not have this problem. have 8150 AMD processor 8 cores 16g memory pc is not the problem.
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