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Author Topic: Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless  (Read 2244 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless
« on: September 11, 2017, 04:04:42 am »

A strange behaviour that happened with several attempts:
I am working with several music files with WaveLab and save
the as .wave files. I am importing them to MediaCenter 23 (newest build),
track them and encode them with MediaCenter encoding tool as Apple
lossless files (using the option that the files will be replaced by the converted
and added to the library).
Afterwards all files seem to have disappeared and the folder is empty.
The tracks still can be played and copied from MediaCenter to another
That doesn't happen if I convert a .wave file to .flac


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 09:50:59 am »

The disappearing files after conversation remain - and not only if I convert to Apple lossless, but to FLAC, mp3, aac...
But as I found out they don't disappear. If I undertake a conversion with right click - library tools - convert from wave to flac (mp3...)
delete the original files and add the new files to the library (don't know how this is called in the English version - mine is a German one)
MC creates a new folder outside the original folder and the parent folder with the new files while deleting the old ones.
For example: "Mahler_Sinfonie1_Nelsons_BSO2017_1" inside the folder "Mahler_Sinfonie1_Nelsons_BSO2017" and subfolder "Sinfonie Nr. 1 "Der Titan" is empty after the encoding and the converted files tramp to a new created folder "Sinfonie Nr. 1 _Der Titan_" containing a folder "Mahler_Sinfonie1_Nelsons_BSO2017". Obviously MC has a problem with special characters because this doesn't happen if the folder or parent has no special character.
I love MediaCenter and for some time now it replaces iTunes as my music library but there still are many things that show that this is originally a Windows application translated to the MAC.


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Re: Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 10:20:05 am »

Looking into a fix.


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Re: Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2017, 03:58:44 pm »

I love MediaCenter and for some time now it replaces iTunes as my music library but there still are many things that show that this is originally a Windows application translated to the MAC.

You are correct that MC for Mac isn't *quite* as polished as MC for Windows.  There are several Windows specific features missing from MC for Mac.  There are also numerous little weird behaviors on MC for Mac.  Some of which we don't even know about.  Like this one!  Luckily Bob and team have verified your bug/problem and are in the process of fixing it.  :)

MC for Mac isn't perfect.  But I wouldn't trade it for any other media player available for the Mac.  I can't think of one I'd rather use, even that crazy priced one that costs close to $400 US.

Also, a point of clarity:  MC for Mac isn't a "port" in a traditional sense.  A "port" normally means that someone re-writes a program starting from one platform and ending on another platform.  The "port" is an entirely separate software product and remains separate once it's done. 

MC for Mac is TOTALLY different.  Before JRiver wrote MC for Mac, they re-wrote the underlying core of MC for Windows and build an Operating System abstraction layer.  What this means is, all JRiver has to do to move MC to a new Operating System, is write the abstraction layer for the new target OS.  All of the code that really makes MC work is THE SAME ON ALL OSes!  Which is really amazing if you think about it.

It means that version 23.0.62 is the SAME for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  All the features and bug fixes are common across all platforms.  That being said, there are still OS specific behaviors that are odd.  There are things that have to be specifically fixed for one OS and not another.  It's not perfect.  But WOW is it cool that all the core code is the same.  Features show up in all versions at nearly the same time without having to be specifically "ported" to Mac or Linux.  They just show up from the main code.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Files disappear after encoding to Apple lossless
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2017, 03:38:56 am »

Thanks for the extensive enlightening and engaged answer!
As I already told I love MediaCenter. It's simply the best software for all existing media on a Mac - and one of the best sounding, too.

But even the best software can be improved.
Some examples which just come to my mind:
The up and down buttons on the keyboard don't lead to the beginning or end of a line (we already spoke about that). It's simpler than to highlight every time the whole phrase with the mouse and then press the forward or back button on the keyboard.
CORRECTION: at the moment I found by case that the HOME and END keys manage this!

As in iTunes there should be a button or shortcut that opens the next or last entry of a data-field of an album. If I want to edit, for example, the different titles of an album every time I want to make a new entry I have to write the data, to highlight the next track with the mouse, then to click to title field to type the next data.

Typing special characters like the German ä, ö, ü in the meantime works without breaking the line or to open with command-k the field for special characters but é, è, ê... doesn't. It's simply denied and becomes e for all types. And the special character field crashes the whole program with these and similar letters.

The undo command with command-z doesn't work.

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