Please read VERY carefully. This is a BETA version of 9.1. If you expect things to work, please download the latest 9.0 build from this thread:;action=di splay;num=1054751628 but if you're patient and willing to help us work out some of the bugs, you can download 9.1 here (recommended for experts only): (backup your library before installing)
Please report any 9.1 problems in this thread. Keep a list of problems and if they aren't fixed in the next build, please post the list again.
1. Fixed: Library panes wouldn't select an item unless the text was clicked on.
2. Fixed: Library panes would show horizontal scroll bars in some cases.
3. Fixed: Deleting non-imported files from Playing Now could crash MC.
4. Changed: MC displays "Media Center / Stopped" in the player bar whenever it is stopped.
5. Changed: Find Music (Ctrl+F) wouldn't reset the selection if you were already in Media Library.
6. Fixed: MC would start playing if you changed position of a song while it was paused.
7. Fixed: Playlist based view schemes weren't showing Smartlists.
8. Fixed: "Quick Tagging" would't gracefully handle Playlist Groups and Smartlists -- neither of which can have files added to them.
9. Fixed: "Missing" file icons was still being used in Handheld views.
10. Changed: Location and playlist based browser panes have more helpful header text.
11. NEW: Added multiple modes for display info (click to switch, right click to configure)
12. Fixed: The horizontal scroll bar in a smartlist view would not show up.
13. NEW: Added Enable and Pressed state processing for toolbar buttons.