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Author Topic: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!  (Read 3420 times)


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MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« on: June 27, 2003, 11:08:21 am »

Hi J River,

haven't done tagging for quite a while and after spending about an hour's work I must say MC 9.1 has not become better than 9.0!

Here the problems I had:
1) After selecting a number of images and wanting  to change a tag from Honolulu to Hawaii, I click on the quick tag icon, then selected the Hawaii tag. But then, what do I have to do to make the changes happen? Nothing happens! Could not figure it out! Probably clicking on some pane, but it is not obvious or intuitive at all!

2) If I make changes in the properties window they do not seem to work any longer! Does it mean I cannot use the properties window any longer to make tag changes?

3) Please, please, find a way to save view schemes in some places that survive any playing around with betas and that they can be restored if they get lost. It is not true that it takes just a few minutes to recreate them!

If you have 6 different view schemes with images and you only want 3-4 fields displayed in the content pane, you have to click off all the fields you do not want to see such as bitrate, duration, track, etc (all music related fields). And that's a lot of tedious clicking!

At least with view scheme groups you could move all those schemes below this group and change the view settings for all view schemes below in one go. I do not want to do this again and again. So this is a very practical reason to reintroduce view scheme groups again.

Best would be to have different default content views according to media type. It really does not make any sense to see fields such as bitrate, track, duration etc. with images!

4) When I add a new view scheme it does not get sorted below Media Library right away as it used to be. I have to restart MC9.

And in general I would like to make the following bold comment:

Are you still listening to us?

After the release of MC9, many MC power-users made lots of request to improve the quality of the product, many times probably just minor changes that could have been fixed easily, but you seem to ignore those requests altogether. OK, I know, sometimes small requests are a lot of work and sometimes big requests are just minor code change! I know that from my own experience.

How can I prove this statement? Well, people, beg and beg and beg to get certain features back or to fix certain things. I have been on this board for almost 2 years now, and they never did this in the past!

Also, it would be nice to get a certain roadmap about MC9 development for the future. Almost any big company does that, it gives users a certain confidence about using the product in the future. Users make big investments in time and effort to properly use the product and if things change all the time it creates insecurity. Users have invested a lot of time creating view schemes and view scheme groups that got destroyed more than once! Please, lets us know, where do you want to go tomorrow?

Now, you could argue that we do not have to deal with betas and we could use the standard MC9.0. Well, this would mean that we do not participate any longer in beta development!

I really hope that you can prove my arguments wrong, but I was simply fed up with things not working as they used to be every time I make some changes. I do not do this all the time, most of the time MC9 works simply as a player, but recently every time I wanted to make changes it was like dealing with another product - I do not like that! Please consider this in future developments! Thank you!


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2003, 11:23:35 am »

OK, on second look I could sort out items 1 and 2 - but just on second or even third look!

But the irritation remains that you have to find out again and again!!


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2003, 02:21:22 pm »

Gotta agree that tagging with the properties window is VERY confusing.

U have to make the changes then click back on the files to have it applied.

I'm definitely a power PC user and it took me some time to realise that the files I'd just tagging hadn't been tagged and I had to go back and play with it to work out what to do to make it apply the changes.

I was changing the tags then moving onto the next group in the view scheme to tag these and it was just ditching all my changes - dont see the logic.

Also agree somewhat on features being requested again and again and not happening.

Automatic clearning of a burning playlist makes NO sense and is against windows standard methods and I've seen loads of posts, not just from me - if it was I'd shut up, but from loads of users, there was even a big thread about it once and yet it just never happened and there wasn't even a response to the thread or an answer posted.

I understand ur busy but u definitely used to interact more even if just with:  Will Happen - Wont Happen - Wanna have a user vote? just something basic so we know if we're wasting time and energy etc.

We know you have a lot of work but we all put alot of time and energy into the program, testing it, the board, etc, etc - most companies have departments to do exactly what we do - we do it for free. and just a bit more response to this time and effort would be appreciated at times.

Sorry to complain, I feel bad about it :(


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2003, 02:27:23 pm »

Oh yeah, and one other thing
I know u have a big rush on your hands. Trying to stay one step ahead of the big companies like WMP so you need to do the big changes but I think the big changes need to be stopped at some point (after v9.1 probably) and some time just spent ironing out the little things that make people's life alot harder.

Believe it or not it's the little things that matter more alot of the time - ask any woman - they'll tell u this.

The big things seem nice for a little while but the little things are what make it or break it with anything in the long run.

Also some of the (even if rare) bugs need to be totally flatly ironed out so it's rock solid. You meet all the users little requests and in return we tell it and sell it verbally to everyone we know and ever meet.


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2003, 03:49:30 pm »

Believe it or not it's the little things that matter more alot of the time - ask any woman - they'll tell u this.


I agree wholeheartedly...  I've been asking for weeks to get calculated [Date(hourmin)] and [Date(sec)] fields so that I can rename my photos.  It seems so little that I'm disappointed it hasn't been done yet.  

I know there's a lot going on and things get overlooked - but there's a lot of  hanging fruit still on the tree.


P.S.  I hope the "tree" reference doesn't start another tree vs. pane discussion!


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2003, 04:03:18 pm »

I think we've finally gotten the tree vs pane situation worked out where everyone's happy, and that's a big credit to the code jockeys. THAT was a quick response to complaints. (Of course, there were whole THREADS of complaints one way and the other, but still.)

I would love to see a 'we're working on...' thread, so we know what has been heard in the forum and maybe even some time-table on when it'll be addressed. (Locked and pinned thread, of course.) I know things are probably done on the fly, as a coder gets into whichever area they happen to be working in today, but even if things get pushed back or done ahead of time it would still raise the enthusiasm of us bleeding edge people if we could see our posts become official items. I think we would sorta get off on that.. ;)
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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2003, 03:20:49 pm »


I've been asking for weeks to get calculated [Date(hourmin)] and [Date(sec)] fields so that I can rename my photos.  

Just a question - the fields:   [date(year)], [date(week)], etc are pretty confusing in a program where we already have to remember field names - whats wrong with just:


without the date part?
And even if these were stored internally couldn't they be made accessible by just these simple references as an alias?


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2003, 04:18:08 pm »

Patiently posting a concise list of bugs / suggestions in each build's thread is the most helpful for us.

The team makes 5 builds most weeks with over 100 documented changes.  Almost all of these changes come from Interact discussions.

I think that's proof the team is listening to this community.  I'm sorry if you don't agree.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2003, 12:37:21 am »

We love u guys and KNOW you work darn hard.

Just a few big issues I think people would like to see resolved and stability problems, even rare ones are annoying - especially when put onto PC's dedicated to being a jukebox and not designed for normal PC use.
Alot of little things causing problems that people really wanted sorted before rushing into the next big set of changes.

I'm sure they'll all get fixed by the time v9.1 is final thou.

Thanks for all the work u guys, all of u do :)


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2003, 12:51:49 am »

Agree with Nilas first and last sentences.  :)  This program is the best thing I have ever been a part of.  The community is amazing and so are all of the coding team.  I know you guys will get erveything sorted in the end so I will just keep on posting y'all my list safe in the knowledge that after each build I will be wittling it down a bit until it is gone.

Keep up the fantastic work and take encouragement from the fact that we all feel so passionate enough about your work to complain ;D

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Best way to make suggestions?
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2003, 05:07:53 am »

Patiently posting a concise list of bugs / suggestions in each build's thread is the most helpful for us.


I've no doubt you guys are extremely responsive to problems raised here.  Daily new builds with fixes is damned impressive.

I just want to ask about your above statement.  I've just put a request for a new feature in a thread all of its own (an option to limit smartlists to x tracks from any one artist / album).  My thinking was that it's not a bug / feedback on a particular build so the request didn't belong in the build thread.  Would you prefer fairly limited feature requests like that to be put in the build thread instead?



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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2003, 05:56:38 am »

I just want to ask about your above statement.  I've just put a request for a new feature in a thread all of its own (an option to limit smartlists to x tracks from any one artist / album).  My thinking was that it's not a bug / feedback on a particular build so the request didn't belong in the build thread.  Would you prefer fairly limited feature requests like that to be put in the build thread instead?

Separate threads to talk about new features are great.  That way we can all brainstorm to come up with the best solution.  

Just keep in mind that development goes in spurts of new features followed by spurts of bug fixes.  That means features won't always happen right away.  It never hurts to bump the thread a few times if it's something you really care about.

Thanks everyone.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2003, 06:13:22 am »


That means features won't always happen right away.  It never hurts to bump the thread a few times if it's something you really care about.

I'll quote you on that.  ;D

Just noticed that my post above has been censored  ;D  ;D
Hadn't realised the board had a politeness monitor !  (And I was really quite mild.  Honest.)


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Re: MC9 Tagging has become more complex!
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2003, 07:44:16 am »

Certain words are automatically censored by the software.

George Carlin's 7 Dirty Words come to mind:

um... never mind. They didn't get censored out quite thoroughly enough. :P
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